Falling Down The Stairs Has Never Been So Cool Before

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*Avis' POV*

I woke up at six the next morning and quickly dressed in warm clothes. I learnt yesterday that England isn't as warm as Nevada. I grabbed my manila folder off the dresser and pulled out the map and the information sheet. I got site one for the first site I would be exploring. I can tell you now I am not disappointed. Site one happens to be castle Redmont. This is the site I have been dying to see since I got the letter announcing the competition. The castle was still pretty intact, besides a few sides having been collapsed. On the map is showed exactly where the castle stood. It was only a few miles from the hotel. Though the map was written in kilometers.

I slipped it back into the folder and put on my shoes, lacing them up before heading out of the room. Josh was pacing the hall, folder in hand. He looked relieved as he saw me emerge from my room.

"Good, you're awake. We're not going to be late again. Punctuality is a virtue." He said checking his watch on his wrist.

"If you were so concerned, you could have knocked on the door to wake me."I retorted. He glared at me and marched up to Jacklyn's door. He held up his fist to knock, when the door opened. Jacklyn looked surprised to see the two of us outside her door, but her surprise soon disappeared to frustration as she looked at Josh. The poor guy will never get anything right. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

"May I help you?"She asked in a formal voice, closing the door with her pinkie up on the door knob.

"Um...Breakfast is down stairs. John will be waiting for us." He said hesitantly. Jacklyn stuck her chin in the air.

"Very well. Thank you, Peasant." I couldn't help but grin as Josh's face slowly turned red, all the way up to his black hair. I wouldn't be surprised if his teeth were blushing. Is that possible...? Jacklyn turned to me and held out her arm. "Come, Lady Avis. We have scrambled eggs and toast to digest." I laugh and take her arm, holding my head up high.

"Of course, Lady Jacklyn. As disgusting as you put that, it still sounds good since I am simply famished." We continued down the hall, leaving a bewildered Josh behind us to take the elevator. Once we were in the stair well, we burst out laughing.

"His face!" Jacklyn managed to gasp out between laughs. I had to hold the wall so I wouldn't fall. I could tell my face was red from laughter.

"Poor kid! We're so mean!" I said. Jacklyn rolled her eyes.

"Well maybe this'll teach him not to mess with us."

"He diffidently has a "Holier then thou" kind of attitude." I said scoffing. Jacklyn nodded in agreement.

"I guess we could give him a break. I suppose people from Texas are hard to handle, even for a New-Yorker." Jacklyn said. I shook my head.

"He'll shape up. If he tries to mess with me again I'll show him who's boss. Nevadan's don't take crap from other people." I said. Jacklyn nodded again.

"We probably are difficult to deal with." She said. I smiled.

"Good. Now let's go eat. I wasn't kidding when I said I was famished." I joked. Jacklyn grinned.

"The quest is a simple one, Lady Avis, but first, we must conquer..."She paused for a dramatic effect. "The stairs!" I let out a mock gasp and placed my hand over my heart.

"Not the stairs! How ever will we manage?" I said, fanning myself with my hands as I spoke in a fake British accent.

"Oh but we shall, one step at a time and we will be closer to our destination." Jacklyn said. I stuck my foot out, being dramatic as I slowly stepped down. Jacklyn followed my example. It ended up taking us a good ten minutes just to get down the stairs. Josh and John were eyeing us curiously as we entered the dining room with fake tears and flushed faces.

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