Rangers And Dr. Pepper Don't Mix

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*Avis' POV*

I was actually really excited to see the diplomatic services. Growing up reading the histories, I knew that the couriers were just as bad butt as the Rangers, and for both Halt and Will to marry a courier, they must be pretty awesome. Not...not that I'm trying to win anyone over by becoming a courier...pfft, what a ridiculously notion.

"Lady Pauline, how lovely to see you." Denise said as the graceful wife of Halt approached. Denise stood up straighter and held her chin high, as if she was trying to prove something to Pauline.

"What a fine batch of ladies you have here, Denise." Pauline said glancing us over. "Handsome young men as well, though we don't get many in our trade. The diplomatic services seems to fit ladies better, due to poise and grace being a large factor, one that gets us through many situations." The boys seemed to not care in what she said, though I could tell a few of them admired her looks. She was remarkably beautiful. Jacklyn and I stood in the back of the group, hidden slightly by Arielle, who wanted all the attention of Lady Pauline.

"Lady Avis, I do believe we would fit in here." Jacklyn said in a fake British accent. I held my chin higher and smiled.

"You are ever so correct, my dear Jacklyn. Shall we show these children how a true lady acts?" I said, she nodded and I grabbed the side of my skirt with two of my fingers, holding the skirt out ever so slightly so I wouldn't trip as I made my way over to Brighton. He stood, stunned as I grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the corner of the room and into a more open space. Denise stared horrified while Lady Pauline simply looked amused. Jacklyn grabbed Derick, another boy in our age group, and the four of us began spinning around the floor in an ever so clumsy waltz. Brighton was tinged pink to his hair line, however Derick seemed to love dancing like a lunatic with Jacklyn to imaginary music. We stopped finally once we heard a small clap. Lady Pauline smiled, clapping her hand.

"Beautiful girls, however you need a lot of work. Boys, since when is it appropriate to step on a ladies skirt? Thank them for the dance, kiss their hands and be off!" She announced. The two boys once again turned pink and did as they were told. I smirked as Brighton pressed his lips to my knuckles, clearly embarrassed by being called out by a lady.

"I do apologize, Lady Pauline. Those two have been unladylike all day." Denise said, smoothing out her hair. Pauline grinned.

"Unladylike? I believe quite the opposite. A lady is one who is curious, courteous, and outgoing. If the Ladies of Araluens courts were even a fraction more courageous as these girls, a lot more problems in this world would be solved faster." Lady Pauline finished her rant. Jacklyn glanced at me and I grinned, happy the Denise was put in her place. Arielle sat on the sidelines simply fuming as she watched us receive praise from her hero. Ahh! All the more worth it. Simple things in life aren't embarrassing as long as you make your enemy mad. I'm not sure if Arielle even is our enemy. She just annoyed me to the core. She was the kind of person that receives the reaction as if you had just stepped in dog poop. Arielle was the dog poop. Yep, perfect description of her.

"Well that's all the time I have. Keep up the good work, girls." Pauline called out, winking at both Jacklyn and I. Denise glared at us.

"Now children, onto the blacksmith." The group moved along, but I hung back, keeping Jacklyn with me.

"We need to find that car you crashed in."

"Why?" She asked curiously.

"My phone just died. I know I have no signal because signal hasn't been invented yet, but it's a reassurance to me." I said frantically.

"I think I can find my way back. But what about the group?" She asked. I give her a knowing look.

"Do you really want to be stuck with half those people the rest of the day?" I said. She shrugs.

"Fair point. This way." Jacklyn said heading south.


When we reached the truck, I was overjoyed to find a car charger. Thank you John Flanagan for thinking of my needs. I quickly plug in my phone and it begins to charge.

"Much better." I said smiling. I hear Jacklyn rustling around in the back, and notice her arms are full. Books, food, earphones. She digs around a bit more until she finds her phone. I noticed a few sets of clothes on the back seat.

"Wow, you were gonna bring all of that just to a dig site?" I asked. She shrugged.

"I like to be prepared." It looked like she raided a gas station.

"What's that?" I asked. A backpack sat on the seat. She gives me a shy smile and pushed the backpack behind the seat.

"Just summer homework. Nothing important." I laughed and she hands me a bag of Doritos and a Dr. Pepper. Aww, the joys of processed food. She had everything from Sour Patch kids to Hot Cheetos. I have never really been a fan, but right now they look like heaven.

"I have never been so happy to see this much crap food in my life!" I exclaimed. Jacklyn smirked and opened a packet of jumbo sized Sour Patched Kids.

"Careful with the Dr. Pepper, I think they were shaked." I nodded my head in understanding and held it far away, angled away from my body as I was about to open it. Before I could pop the tab, a voice sounded behind us.

"What are you two doing here!?!" The voice exclaimed. The both of us spun around on our heels, and I accidentally hit the tap, Dr. Pepper was then promptly sprayed all over none other than Gilan the Ranger. As the carbonated drink dripped down his now soaked hair and down his face, he glared at us.

"Oops." I said quietly, hiding the can behind my back once it had finished fizzing.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Jacklyn grimacing.

Sorry it's been forever, I've been busy with school and then my spring break is certainly not a break. I wrote most of this waiting for my goats to give birth. :D fun fun. Anyway, hoped you liked it! Love you all!


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