Chapter 18: Heartbreak Story

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Chapter 18: Heartbreak Story

I got a cab to the airport, just like I did last week with the lads, only this time it was for Harry.

I went inside the airport and there were almost twice the amount of girls than last week, and these girls wanted some 1D action and would do anything for it. I called Harry and he had a security guard come get me.

We got in a private car and drove away. I was too distracted by the point I almost got murdered by a group of "Harry girls" to realise I was in a car with One Direction.

Harry introduced us to each other and I automatically bonded with the boys. They were so sweet and opening, besides some banter. Harry smiled at the thought of us all getting along.

Before we got to Harry's flat, Niall gave me his phone number so we could hang out sometime. But right now it's Harry and me time.

Right after I closed the door, I dropped his bags and started kissing him passionately. He kissed me back, but differently than before he left.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong. Why would you think that?" he asked cautiously.

"You're acting different, this isn't you."

"Sit down, please." he said leading me to the couch. I looked at him confused.


"I..I cheated. I'm so sorry, you know that right?" his words ran together.

"So I'm suppose to just forgive you? You went and fucked another girl!"

"It was so stupid. I shouldn't have. I just missed you."

"Oh I miss you, oh look another girl. Really? You think I'm going to believe this shit?"


"No, Bye Harry." I said before getting up and walking out.

You are not letting this get to you, you are stronger than this, but what the hell do I do now?

I got in a cab and had the driver go to the only place I actually wanted to be.


"Ally what are you doing here?" he asked after opening the door.

"I"m not okay, Nathan." I shook my head.

He pulled me in for a hug as tears flowed down my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked when we finally made it from the doorway to the couch.

"He cheated on me."

"I'm so sorry Ally." he said.

"It's okay, I guess. I'm not going to be one of those girls who are like, 'OMG he cheated on me, it's all my fault.' I know it's not my fault. Do you have any alcohol?" I said changing the subject.

"I think so, go check." he replied.

And that's where everything went wrong...


A/N: I know Harry isn't really the guy that would just cheat on someone, but this is fiction so yeah...

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