Chapter 2: Meeting

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Chapter 2: Meetings

"Hello, Ally." the guy said sitting down.

"Hi," I forced out.

"So we are here to talk about your parents will."


"It says you would stay with your grandparents. Your mom's parents."

"They died. They were going to change it, but never got to it."

"Any other family?" he asked.

"Not that I know of. My sister would probably stay with her boyfriends family. I could stay there." I said. I suddenly felt tears overflow out of my eyes realising this is actually happening.

The door opened and closed and seconds later did the same thing. A guy that was sitting in the back of the room went and got Jay.

Jay knelled down next to me and whispered comforting words.

"She can stay with me." I heard someone say, I couldn't tell who.

"Really?" the guy in the suit said.

"Yes," Jay's mouth was moving, but he couldn't be the one talking. "I'm a family friend."

"Sign right here. It's just allowing us to do a background check."

Jay picked up the pen and wrote his name on a line. This isn't really happening, is it?

"Are you really doing this?" I asked.

"Of course! I've always been there for you, Ally."

"Thank you!" I said hugging him.

We got into his car and drove to my soon-to-be old house. The drive way was empty. The whole house was empty. Our neighbours and family got all the furniture out when they found out the news. The house was now for sale. I went to my room, which was the only room that actually had stuff in it. Jay walked behind me with boxes and helped me put stuff in them. Once it was packed up I started crying. It really happened. They are gone..

We put the boxes into the back of the car.

"Where's Jenna?" I asked whilst staring out the window.

"Adam's house. She wants to say bye." I nodded.

Adam's house was about 45 minutes away in Derby. The ride was filled with awkward silence echoeing through the car.

"I'm going to miss you!" Jenna said hugging me right as we got out of the car.

"It's not that far away. We can visit each other." I smiled.

"Ally," Adam said."My family is moving."

"To where?" I asked confused.

"New York," Jenna answered.

"Isn't that in the states?" they nodded. "You can't go that far away!"

"Ally, calm down." Jay said. I nodded and walked back to the car.

"I'm sorry. I was going to tell you-"

"You knew?!" I practically screamed.

"Calm down, Ally. I wanted them to tell you." Jay said.

"Can we please leave?" I said lightly with tears forming in my eyes.

"Sure," he said before turning the car on and backing out of the driveway.

I stared out the window and felt my eyes water up. The water overflowed and started dripping down my face.

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