Chapter 5: Dream Come True

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Chapter 5: Dream Come True

"Where's Jessica?" the director yelled.

"Sir," a girl around my age tapped the man's back. "She has food poisoning."

"Well who's going to play Nathan's girl?"

"Ally can do it." Max said.

"Will you do it?" the man asked desperately.

"Sure," I said with an awkward smile. I wasn't sure if I could do this, but I was their last chance, besides the prop girl who would probably do a hell of a lot better than me.

I went to hair and makeup with everyone else.

"You're going to do great." Siva smiled.

"I don't think so."

"Why?" he asked in his cute accent.

"I can't act, like, at all."

"It's true," Jay piped in. I smacked his arm playfully before going to wardrobe. I changed and was led to set.

"Okay, so all you have to do is dance for now." Nathan said.

"For now? There's more?" I asked.


"What do I do next?"

"Uh, you have to..kiss me?" he said directed more as a question then statement.

"Okay," I said trying to act professional, when inside I was fangirling like none other.

Nathan let out a sigh of relief before the director told me to do what Nathan just told me to do. I nodded at his instructions and then he walked back to a chair. The music played in the background so we would know what part of the song it was. The first scene went by fast. Now the kissing scene...

I'm nervous. What if I'm a bad kisser? what if he doesn't like me back? Shut up Ally, it's a fake kiss, although I wish it was real. Stop and pay attention!!

"Ally!" Nathan said shaking me.

"Sorry, zoned out. What?" I asked.

"Are you ready?"

No. "Yup!"

The music started playing again and they continued. Nathan's face got closer and closer.. "YOU'LL FIND US CHASING THE SUN!" I jumped. My phone went off for my morning alarm - I was proud of my friend, okay? I took a pair of clothes to the bathroom and went to take a shower. When I was done with getting dressed, hair, and makeup, I went back to my room and threw some clothes into a bag since we have to stay in a hotel. I walked out to the living room ad Jay was sleeping.

"Jay!! Wake up!!" I yelled banging on his door.

I went to the kitchen and started to pour some cereal in a bowl. Jay stumbled tiredly in the kitchen and sat next to me. I already got him a bowl and a cup of coffee.

"Thanks," he said before a yawn.

"So what are we doing today, in detail."

"We have to leave in 20 minutes for the studio. Hair, wardrobe, filming, lunch, filming, hotel."

"Not really detail, but sounds simple enough."

"Simple? It's hard." he whined.

"Simple as in remembering everything. I know your job is so so hard." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever," he said rolling his eyes too. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, just have to brush my teeth."

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