Chapter 10: Forbidden Love?

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Chapter 10: Forbidden Love?

Ally's POV

*one week later*

I looked at the piece of paper. His name and phone number printed beautifully.

"Jay, I need to ask you something." I said as he passed my room in the hallway.

"Huh?" he asked coming back.

I took a deep breath. They are rival bands. What am I doing?

"I fancy a guy, but I don't know what to do?"

"Who?" he asked. His face looked like he knew who it was, I knew who he thought, but he thought wrong.

"A guy I met at the coffee shop the other day. He gave me his number, but I want your permission first."

"You can date anyone you want, Ally. I don't care, as long as they are nice and treat you well."

"That's so sweet." I said getting emotional. "But it's....Harry...Styles."

"Harry Styles? As in from One Direction?" he asked.


"How did you manage that?"

"I saw him at Starbucks like a week ago, I asked him for his autograph and he wrote his number. So you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?" he asked confused.

"Well you're like rival boybands or whatever. At least that's what the magazines say. I don't know I've never talked to you about this stuff."

"No, they're pretty cool lads." he laughed.

"So you're fine with me calling him back?"

"You haven't called him or anything? Didn't you say it was a week ago."

"About that." I answered, feeling horrible now.

"Call him now!"

"Okay," I said picking up my phone and adding him into contacts.

I hit the 'call' button and it started ringing.

"Hello?" he asked, voice deep and amazing.

"Hi, this is Ally. We met last week at Starbucks."

"Oh! I was waiting for you to call." he said.

"I'm so sorry. I was really busy this week and couldn't." I said. I pointed at the hallway and glared at Jay, who was still sitting in the car across the room.

"Fine, I'm going." he whispered.

"It's okay. So would you like to meet up later?"

"Uh..yeah. I don't have anything planned." I smiled.

"Okay. Wanna meet at McDonalds by the Starbucks at 7? I know it's not fancy, but-"

"It's perfect! See you then."

"Bye," he said before hanging up.

"He asked me out!" I yelled jumping on Jay's back, almost knocking him over.

"Oh my god! Really?!" he yelled back.

"Yes, we are going to McDonalds. I mean it's not very fancy, but it's perfect. I'm so excited! Can you tell I'm excited? Sorry I'm rambling. I'm just so excited!" I yelled.

"Calm down, Ally. What time are you going?"

"Seven I think. I don't know what to wear."

"You are going to McDonalds, nothing fancy, but not too sloppy."

"Okay, I'll be right back." I said running to my room.

I found some polka dot skinny jeans, a black shirt, and a varsity jacket. I ran the straightener through my hair and put some white converse high-tops on.

"How do I look?" I asked walking out of my room.

"Amazing for getting ready in 10 minutes." he laughed.

"I'm just excited. This is every girls dream date, and I get to go out with him. It's weird."

"I'm not letting you go on this date if you are just going because other girls can't, Ally. Do you really like him?"

"I don't know Jay, I just met him, I don't really know HIM."

"Okay, but once you get to know him, and you don't like him, please break it off. I don't want you leading him on when it's going no where." he said strictly.

"I know. God Jay, you are acting like my dad. What's next? The sex talk?"

"I will if I half to." he threatened.

"No sex tonight. Especially since it's just a fast food date. I don't think anyone can get that turned on by McDonalds."

"It's 6:30, you need to leave soon."

"I know. Jay, I'm nervous."

"Don't be. Just be yourself. He has to love you. You're awesome."

"Thanks. Bye." I said.

I walked down to the restaurant and took a deep breath. 6:58. I opened the door and walked in and saw him at a table in the corner.

"Hi," I said sitting down across from him.

"Hey," he smiled.

"What if a fans see you?" I asked confused.

"It's okay. I live around here so everyone from here knows me, so they don't really care. But if some fans come it'll be fine."

"Well I live down the road and I didn't know you lived here."

"Where do you live?" he asked.

"About a 15 minute walk from here. And I just moved in with my friend like 2 weeks ago."

"I would love to meet your friend. If that's not weird."

"It's not weird, and you've already met him.." I trailed off at the end.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean, you've probably met him. He's lived around here for a while. Anyways, would you like to order now?"



this chapter is so bad! I'm so sorry. I'm trying to write and do homework and I have to take night classes for a bit. It's getting so hard to write, so I hope you understand.

Thanks for reading :) xx

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