Chapter 16: Letters to my Love

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Chapter 16: Letters to my Love

Dear Harry,

I'm writing you letters because I miss you so much. I'll be back in a week, but I really need some alone time. So, this is about my trip I guess.

I'm now in Belfast at my hotel. I'm 466 miles away you. That's a lot, but it's the farthest we will be away on my mini-tour.

The last time I was here, I was about 8 years old. We were visiting my grandparents. My dad was born here, but moved to Leeds for university. That's where he met my mum. Then I was born when they were still kind of young, so we moved to Nottingham, right next door to my Jaybird.

- Ally xx

Dear Harry,

We are 9.5 miles away. I really wish you could come, but as you know, you have an interview later.

The stadium is HUGE! I'm sitting in it writing this. The lads are doing sound check and about 40 fans are in here.

I really want to meet Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall, I think that would be cool, but they would probably think I'm awkward.

Anyways.. I love and miss you

- Ally xx

Dear Harry,

149 miles away. We are in Cardiff. This is really exciting because I've never been to Wales.

My mum said we would go to Wales on vacation as a little treat when she learned Welsh, but she's one of those people that try something, but give up after a while.

"Y ddraaig goch ddyry cychwyn" - I saw this on a sign outside, I don't know what it means, but it looks cool.

- Ally xx

Dear Harry,

54.7 miles. Brighton.

It's so beautiful here!! The beach is right out side the stadium, but it's too cold, but I still got to hang out outside.

I found out that "Y ddraaig goch ddyry cychwyn" means "the red dragon will lead the way" that's pretty enchanting. I guess it's like a motto or something, but I really like it!

We have one more show and then I get to go home to Nottingham and see me family, then I'll be back to see you.

- Ally xx

Dear Harry,

107 miles.

-Ally xx

Dear Harry,

0.0000001 miles. You came to visit me today in Nottingham! I'm so excited you're here!

You're bugging me right now about what I'm doing on the plane, well, now you know.

The lads knew I wasn't really happy about going home because of the last time.., but I am happy.

I was even Jay's girl for Heart Vaccancy and everyone thought it was so cute. And you got to meet my Aunt, Uncle, cousins, and Grandmother.

But now it's time to go home. But we are going to think happy! I'm here with you and that's all that matters. I love you sooo much!

- Ally xx

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