Chapter 11: The Quote

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Chapter 11: The Quote

"I don't believe in love at first sight, because it means you're falling in love with someones appearance, not personality." -Nathan Sykes

It happened, the moment I was afraid of the most. When we all come together to talk. I wasn't afraid of the lads not getting along anymore, more of them acting stupid and ruining everything.

Tom, Max, and Siva asked questions - "How was the tour?" "How's your life going?" - Nathan scoffed and rolled his eyes at almost everything he said, and Jay tried not to beat the shit out of Nath. Just as I expected it to go, horribly bad.

*2 Days Earlier*

- Ally's POV -

"You lads doing anything Friday?" Tom asked as we all sat in the lounge scrolling through Twitter on our phones and computers. When they said lads I knew they also meant me too most of the time. They weren't really used to having me here all the time, but I understand. "Kelsey is going to be gone all weekend and I have nothing to do."

"I'm free, but I don't know about Ally." Jay smirked.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Tom asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, what's that suppose to mean?" I copied.

"Don't you have a date?"

"God dammit Jay!" I practically yelled.

"A date?" Max asked cheekily.

"No, well kinda, I don't know. I met a guy at Starbucks and we've been talking. It's nothing serious." I said blushing.

"Aww" Siva and Max chorused. I glared at them, but couldn't help but smile in the end and blush more than before.

Okay, something you should know. Jay is usually never like this. Throwing random facts to embarrass me. It usually happened when i was meeting one of his friends/girlfriends/or pretty much anyone he introduced me to. It was mainly to show how proud he was of me, but I guess he got stuck doing it. It started when I was going through a bad stage in my pre-teenish years. I had failed a class and thought I was so stupid. Then more and more grades went down, but Jay was there for me to help bring me back up and I ended up passing second in my grade.

"When do we get to meet him?" Tom asked.

"I don't know. I'll see when he's free. As long as you don't embarrass me."

"We would never do such a thing!" Max gasped.

"Right," " I carried out the 'i', "I'm going to my room then."

I walked into my room and shut the door. I plugged my laptop in, since it was almost dead from Twitter reading with the lads.

- Nathan's POV -

"So what do you want?" Jay asked talking about food.

"McDonalds?" Siva voiced.

"I'm fine with that." Max answered.

"Let's go then." Jay said.

"Can I stay here?" I asked, "I really don't want to go out."

"Fine, we will bring you and Ally back something." Jay replied. "Be on your best behaviour!" he laughed.

"Okay, mum."

They all left and I stopped scrolling through Twitter. I took the computer off my lap and set it on the coffee table in the center of the room. I walked to Ally's door and knocked, regretting the choice already.

"Come in," she said sweetly. "Oh, hi!" she smiled.

"Hey," I said walking in, "the others went to pick up some food. They will be back in about an hour."

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