Chapter 7: We Own the Night

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In celebration of #wotn coming out today, here's a new chapter!!

Chapter 7: We Own the Night

"Ally, hurry up!" Jay said knocking(more like banging) on the door.

"I'm trying." I said. I put my funeral and party dresses neatly in my bag and zipped it up. "I'm done, happy?"

"Yes, now let's go."

We dragged our suitcases to the car and drove to the train station.

"So you are getting along with the lads?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, they are really nice, besides Tom, he's a bit of twat." I laughed.

"You'll get used to that."

We pulled up to the train station and waited for Siva to get there, since he was the only one who wansn't there.


Jay, Nathan, Siva, and I sat in the seats across from each other, and Tom and Max sat next to us.

"How long, Jay?" I asked.

"About 2 hours."

"That's a long time." I complained.

"Did you bring your beats?" he asked.

"I don't have beats. We aren't all in cool, rich boybands."

"Well everyone, but you." Max said.

"Well, I can't be, I'm a girl."

"But can you sing?" Siva asked.

"Yes!" Jay answered.

"No, I don't sing." I replied.

"Well we have to hear that." Siva said.

"Why am I even here with you all. You guys are mean to me."

"Because if not, you would be in New York." Jay answered.

"Sounds better than being with you cunts right now." I laughed so they would know that it was a joke.

"Calling people cunts is not nice, Al-ly." Tom said.

"It's fine in Australia. Troye said!"

"Who's Troye?" Jay asked.

"A youtuber.." I said before getting my phone out to text Kazia.

Nath: Would you like to use my beats? -Nath xx

You: Thank you, but I have headphones lol. -Ally

Nath: haha okay. Also, am I a cunt??

You: No, you are actually nice to me and don't make jokes about me.

Nath: Thanks. So what are you listening to?

You: Nothing...

Soon he grabbed my phone out of my hands.

"Really?" he laughed looking at the cover for 'Walks like Rihanna'.

"It's good." I smiled.

"What?" Siva asked. He pointed the screen at him. "Well, at least you are supporting us."

Once the song was over, I turned on my favourite album; Awolnation: Megalithic Symphony. I sat and focused on the music, trying not to cry. I stared out the window, seeing how fast the world was going by.

Soon the train came to a stop. I got out of the seat and got my bag.

"Now a thirty minute drive." I sighed. It was already 12:00, so we would be there by 13:00(1 pm).

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