Chapter 14: I'm Sorry.

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Chapter 14: I'm Sorry.

"Where have you been?" Jay yelled as I walked into the flat.

"I was with Harry."

"For the whole weekend? You could have called."

"Yeah, we were...watching the Harry Potter films. And my phone died and I didn't have a charger."

"You could have used Harry's phone, Allison. I was so worried about you."

"I'm fine. You can calm down."

"I can't just calm down. I was worried sick about you."

"Jay, I'm sorry. I really am."

He took a deep breath. "It's fine. Kazia is coming next week."

"What? Why?" I asked excited.

"We are leaving for tour Friday. She's going to stay with you whilst I'm gone."

"So she's my babysitter?" I said bitterly.

"No, I got your best friend to come stay so you won't be alone."

"Harry can stay with me."

"Harry has a job too, the same job as me so he can't just stay with you for three months."

"I guess. I'm going to take a shower then go to sleep."

"Okay." he said.

I got into the warm shower and smiled, thinking about the wonderful time I had with Harry.

I cleared my head and finished my shower. I put on some really short shorts and a long t-shirt.

You: Jay got pissed at me for being gone all weekend.

Harry: Tell him I'm sorry. This is all my fault for letting you.

You: No it's not. I asked to come over.

Harry: But I let you and didn't make you call.

You: It's fine. He adores you anyways. He thinks you're perfect for me.

Harry: Because we are perfect for each other xx

You: yup :) I'm going to sleep since I didn't get much this weekend ;) love you xx

Harry: Love you too. Night xx <3

I smiled at the text and put my phone on the edge of my desk.

* * *

"Are you serious Ally?" the familiar voice said. I knew it was Nath, but I couldn't see him. I looked around, but he was no where. The room was dark, but I could see figures of the lounge; the couch, table, telly.

Soon Harry came out of the darkness. I ran and grasped onto him, like a little child.

"You can really move on that soon? I thought you 'loved' me, but you'll jump at someone when they have sex with you. You're such a slut." he spat. I still couldn't see him.

Soon Nathan walked out of my room. I ran to him just like I did with Harry.

"Nathan, I'm sorry." I almost screamed.

"Of course you are." he sneered, pushing me away.

I was crying now, my head was spinning.

"Ally," Jay said sincerly, "Ally!"

I sat up, gasping for air.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I heard you yelling something about being sorry and then I came in and you were crying.

"I don't know, Jay. I really don't know."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really," I sighed. "I really can't wait for you guys to go on tour. I really just need some time to clear my head."

"I'll have Kay come later, so you can have two weeks alone."

"Okay, thank you."

"What's wrong Ally? You've been different since Harry. Did something bad happen this weekend."

"No, everything went right. He said he loved me and it was perfect, but I don't know what I want. I love him, but I've never been in a relationship longer than a month."

"Go back to sleep. We can talk in the morning." he said. I nodded and laid back down.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath...

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