Chapter 3: Confessions

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Chapter 3: Confessions

"In your face Max!" I yelled laughing. Manchester United had just won the game. Nathan high-fived me.

"I'm leaving." Max said getting up.

"What? No!" I said.


"But I don't want to be here with Jay."

"Hey!" Jay said.

"I want to go shopping!" I said plopping down on the couch. "Anyone wanna go?"

"I'll go." Nathan said.

"Okay! Anyone else want to come? More the merrier!"

"No, we are going home." Max said.

"Fine. I don't want you to go. Three's a crowd."

"Wow you're weird." Tom said.

"Yeah.." I trailed off. "We can leave once I get my shoes." Nathan nodded. I grabbed my red Converse, purse, and phone.

"Lez go!" I said. "Can you drive?"

"Yeah," he replied swirling the keys on his fingers.

We walked outside to a car parked in the lot.

"So..I'm Ally." I said after a minute of silence.

"I'm Nathan." he laughed. "So what else should I know about you?"

"Is it a long drive?"

"Ten minutes."

"That's good enough. I grew up in Nottingham my whole life. I met Jay in grade 2, he was in grade 4. Jay, our friend Kazia, and I did like everything together. Kazia moved to Sheffield in grade 5. She started dating a YouTuber called Luke Cutforth last year. After she moved away Jay and I were inseparable. They lived down the road so we would always meet at the park or at each others house.

"I started dance with him and his mum, but I was awful. When the audition came up I helped encourage him to go. I thought it would be exciting to have a famous friend. Once he got it and had to move out I was crushed. I just lost my best friend. I mean we texted a lot and he would come visit, but I was used to him being there forever. When my parents died I didn't have anyone else to call. All my other family has like ten kids or in Canada, and I couldn't have them come. I called Jay and he came up. Once he found out I didn't have anywhere to go he just decided to take me in. So now I'm here. And you asked."

"How did your parents die?" he asked. He studied my face to see if it was an emotional question.

"A car accident. They were coming home from a trip to Leeds."

"How old are you?"

"17" I turned to the window and smiled. I'm in car with Nathan Sykes and he wants to know about me.

This is the best thing that has ever happened..EVER!

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