Chapter 19 - Here but faraway

Start from the beginning

I whistled and (W/N) stood next to me with a worried expression in his dark eyes. "Change." Without complaining he turned into a black horse, he pranced and blew through his nose. I climbed on his back and tapped gently with my heels against his belly. He began to walk as a sigh of relief past my lips when I finally had left the battlefield.

I stopped (W/N) from walking any further and looked around me, my instincts screamed at me and led me in the direction of a forest trail. I followed the path and acknowledged the presence of a fresh and sweet scent. I smirked, the scent tickling my nostrils. I concentrated on it and I was starting to get curious to who this irresistible scent belonged to. I urged (W/N) to go faster and we pushed our way through the dark forest.

The sun shone through the leaves of the waving trees when the forest trail stopped and changed into a stone road. I followed the road to a village where people looked at me shocked and thrilled. I growled, annoyed by the looks of the mortals. I lifted my nose ever so slightly and smelled that wonderful scent again, but now stronger, my eyes slowly glided to the mighty castle. I shook my head and urged (W/N) to walk further through the village. It felt so familiar here, like I've been here before, but nothing that I encountered spoke for memories.

Elsa's P.O.V.

My pencil glided across the surface of the next letter I had to sign, life had changed in so many ways that I have stopped counting every time I searched for the old habits I use to have. The habits from which (Y/N) said were so innocent, I shook my head to clear it from every thought of her ghosting through my mind. I didn't want to think about her, I can't break down, not again. I put the letter on the pile that I had signed and picked up another one, but before I could read through it the door flew open.

A, out of breath, strawberry blonde scanned with her eyes around the room till they fell on me sitting behind my desk. "They found her."

"What...?" The pencil fell out of my hand, they found her after all this time. I stood from my chair and walked closer to Anna, grabbing her shoulders. "Where is she?!"

Anna chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "That's the problem, we don't know."

"But you said they had found her." I slowly began to lose my hope again.

Anna waved her hands in front of her defensively. "They have, it's just that she is seen...." I looked at my sister with pleading eyes for her to tell me the truth. "She is seen on a horse, wandering through the woods in the direction of our Kingdom, she is alive." I stumble back against my desk and ran my fingers through my hair. She is alive?

My head darted up and I walked to the door. "We have to find her." Anna nodded and I was about to walk out the door, but my exit was blocked by a guard.

"My Queen, there is commotion in a nearby café, it may be lady (S/N)." My eyes widened and I pushed past the man.

"Prepare my carriage!"

Your P.O.V.

I jumped from (W/N) back and my boots made contact with the ground. I walked to a café, (W/N) in his wolf form on my heels and pushed through the doors. I made my way over to a table which gave me a slight headache, why does everything seem so familiar. Not long after I had taken a seat a brunette with green eyes came walking up to me.

The woman stopped abruptly while eying the (H/C) haired vampire, I raised an eyebrow at the startled young woman. "You are (Y/N), the personal guard of the Queen." I frowned upon and watched the woman questioning.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I leaned into my chair and folded my hands behind my head. "You do are a waitress, right?" The woman ignored my question and kept her eyes fixated on me.

Bitter Rose//Kneeling Before The Queen (Elsa x Fem! Vampire Reader) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now