Chapter 30

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Janet picked Zoey up bridal style. The others followed slowly and quietly giving her her space. Once out of the ruins of the destroyed castle. They all stood near the shore of the beach. Clarion dressed Hyacinth's wound tearing her dress and using bits of blue pixie dust. Janet called a few eagles,they all go on one. Except Milori and Clarion shared one and Sunny and Hyacinth shared another. Janet was still holding Zoey as she got on Fate. The rest of the way they all sat quietly. They kept their distance from her because they could see firing hatred in her eyes. Mixed with anger and regret. They could all see her usual calm silver glow turn into a bright red.
Milori s started seeing the pixie dust tree in a distance.. He looked over at Janet and saw that she was dazed in a memory. Probably one that was about Zoey. So he broke the silence.
"Janet!"he called out.
With this she snapped back into reality. As she turned towards Milori he kept his distance. He could sense many unpleasant emotions coming off the queen. Her stare was that of an unfriendly glare which she only would use if she really was not in the mood, which was rare, or she was furious at the person speaking to her.
"Yes, Lord Milori?"she said trying to keep her voice calm, but it came out bitterly.
Milori just stared straight ahead and nodded his head towards Pixie Hollow.
She nodded and as if she told it Fate flew faster towards the tree and the rest followed.
Both kingdoms were extremely exhausted. The survivors had some how come through with hawk, snake, and other attacks. The children on the mainland certainly chose the wrong time to stop believing in fairies. And few had been cured by the terrible disease coming around Do Not .
Suddenly more horns could be heard. Screams, orders, and shouts could be heard. All scout fairies were in position to defend and war off the flying figures, assuming they were hawks, but a shout could be heard coming from the leader.
"Stop! (im on my mobile device so its sort of messed up) Do not shoot!"it sounded strict, but there was a hint of royalty in the voice.
As the so called hawks came closer they saw that it was actually eagles. On their backs were all the missing fairies. Only they were in really bad shape. Everyone started to cheer until Janet got off Fate. holding Zoey in her arms.
Cleo gasped,"No. Is that-that, Zoey?"
Marcos stood not believing what he was seeing. The rest of the dreamers put down their heads in respect to both all the leaders and for the lost member of Dream Hollow.
Janet and Clarion went together inside the pixie dust tree and lay her on a bed.
"Tomorrow we'll make a proper funeral."Clarion sighed.
Janet only nodded. They both walked out of the room.
Anna Remedy approached them and offered to treat their wounds.
Everything was calm. Quiet. Janet stood still holding back tears of pain from her leg but mostly her heart. She was assured Hyacinth would survive and the others were fine with minor injuries. Anna then left. Right when the door closed a small knock came at the door.
Janet irritatedly sighed,"You may enter."
In walked a sparrow-man. He looked so much like Clarion, but he was slowly starting to take form of Mortimer. In some parts of his body he looked like Janet. His eyes and skin were an example.
""he said hesitantly.
Janet was taken aback.
She realized this was her child.
"Stone..."she said.'This is awkward.'she thought. Stone understood by her body language and took a step forward.
"So...I have a real brave mom. Who is also a queen. I wish i could be like you."he comforted.
Janet only shook her head and smiled. "I'm not great. Don't think of me as a superhero. Think of me as a...mother. Who tries her best at giving her children a great life. Every fairy queen should act like this except they think of me more of a sister than mother."she replied.
Stone nodded with a smile he hesitantly hugged her in which his relief she did the same.
"Stone, do you want to live here? In Pixie Hollow? With your aunt? Or come live with me? In Dream Hollow?"asked Janet.
Stone thought for a moment. He finally chose to stay in which Janet was relieved. Finally both of them fluttered out of the room leaving Janet in a better mood although her glow was still red and the hatred had not dimmed.

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