Chapter 15

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Hyacinth came back to the camp with a couple of twigs. It was midnight and he was looking for Janet on the way back.
He never saw her.
Once he got there Snowflake was crying and Redleaf had a note.
"What's that for? "Hyacinth asked Redleaf.
"Janet left it. " Milori answered.
"We didn't want to read it but we have the feeling that we already know what it is." Sunflower said sadly.
"We...w..want you it." Snowflake sniffed.
Hyacinth took the note and read i to himself. Once he read it he looked devastated and about ready to cry. "what did it say?" Bobble asked .
"It says
Dear everyone
I'm sorry I have left you all, but I just cannot risk anymore lives. SO I'M TAKING OFF. I TOOK THE WINTER STONE WITH ME. ITS BEST THAT YOU ALL GO BACK. I'M SORRY.
"She left us." Periwinkle cried.
"and for a good reason" Vidia stated. "Well I for one do not care." Milori blurted.
"But Janet said-"Snowflake cried.
"I do not care. I promised myself I would get Clarion back and I will not break it."
"We'll keep going, too." Periwinkle said.
"So will we." Tinkerbell agreed.
"Wait we?!" Iridessa squeaked.
"Yes we,we all go together." Rosetta scowled.
Everyone waited for Hyacinth to start disagreeing, but surprisingly that didn't happen. He looked deep in thought.'Janet left. I can't let her die. What am I saying! She's right I would be happier if she left or died or better disappeared. Then why aren't I glad right now? Because I love her.'
"Hyacinth! Do you agree that we all should move on?" Milori growled repeating what he said once again.
"Huh? Oh yes yes we should."
With that everyone went to sleep early all of them having the same nightmare Janet had numerous times ever since finding out who took Clarion. One that included a wedding,a threat, Hyacinth seriously injured, finding out a secret or two, more than just one family gets reunited, and Queen Janet dieing.


Janet was already over some mountains. She was thinking of going back. She felt like something was missing. But something kept her from going back.'What happened? Could I-no that's ridiculous! He's probably filled with glee. But something happened on the beach! So, Sunny is probably happy that she won't get a headache and you should be happy you won't here that annoying sparrow-man's mouth anymore! Then why aren't I happy! Because...I love him.'

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