Chapter 25

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Clarion was crying as her servants got her ready for her wedding. Her servants were getting annoyed having to clean her make up every time a tear would fall. Luckily Zoey came with tear stains on her cheeks, but she was ready. Clarion immediately stopped crying and shooed the others away. And she glared at herself through the mirror.
"Queen Clarion, whats wrong?"Zoey asked confused.
"I'm going to get married with someone I don't even love. I have the best luck don't I."Clarion angrily and sarcastically said.
"My queen I'm sorry, but it is for the ones you DO love."Zoey reminded.
With that Clarion sighed. She let Zoey help her get ready.
"King Mortimer?"a male pixie arrived at Mortimer's room had said."The wedding is about to begin. I trust that you are ready."
Mortimer turned around. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with black dress shoes, and his green hair was let loose. His skin seemed full of color and his scar was barely noticeable.
"Yes,I shall meet my bride at the grand staircase I suppose."Mortimer answered.
"Yes,I shall go see if she is ready."the pixie flew off to the lower floor and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?"Clarion's voice asked muffled by the door.
"I came to see if you're ready. The wedding is about to start and we don't have all day!"the pixie scowled.
At once the door opened and Clarion came out ready. Her natural glow was not golden, but instead blue. Her honey brown hair was in a right bun but most of it was let loose. Her skin was a creamy tan. Her baby blue eyes were filled with light. Her beautiful, white, and simple dress covered up he lower body. Her veil had a beautiful diamond encrusted crown on top as her veil looked so white it could be mistaken for snow. Her shoes were simple high heels. Clarion's lips were a rosy red and her eyelids were a golden brown.
'Wow, she's gorgeous.'thought the pixie.
"Lets go."he said.
Mortimer was waiting for Clarion at the staircase. Once she reached it. The music started up.
She walked up the staircase with pixies looking from the sides. Once she reached the top. It was dead silent.
The priest started saying his speech about matrimony. But Clarion wasn't listening.
'This should be Milori's and my wedding. Those pixies would be fairies. Oh why me!'she thought.
She looked down at her engagement ring Milori had given her. It was golden and white with a beautiful diamond on top. Her eyes started to well up with tears.
"Do you Queen Clarion take King Mortimer to be your lawful wedded husband and to respect him until death parts?"the priest said.
Just when Clarion was about to accept, her wings lit up a bright gold and silver.
' Janet,'both Mortimer and her thought.
At once Mortimer flew to the to corner of the entrance and hid in the darkness.
Janet slammed the door open with the rest of the fairies following.
"Clarion, stop! Don't!"she yelled.
'This reminds me of...the first nightmare I had.'Janet had though before turning pale.
"Janet! Look out!"Clarion warned.
When Janet turned left Mortimer crashed into her with a dagger in hand.

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