Chapter 8

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"Clarion, no!"Janet yelled as she burst into a large, decorated room. She was followed by Milori, the ministers, Tinkerbell and her friends.

"Janet, look out!"Clarion replied pointing in a direction behind Janet.

Janet turned in the direction only to have Mortimer crash into her. He sat above her ready to plunge a dagger into her chest and she closed her eyes getting ready for the impact but instead she felt her chest become lighter.

She opened them to find the Minister of Spring fighting Mortimer but Mortimer was stronger and the blade penetrated Hyacinth's own gut. As he collapsed to the ground, Janet gave out a heart wrenching scream.

Janet woke up with the same scream. She was drenched in sweat along with her sheets. Before she had time to settle her nerves a few scouts and the ministers burst through the door startling her even more.

Hyacinth looked over her in worry for the first and in a surprising tolerant tone he asked,"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I-I'm fine. It was just another nightmare,"she made it clear she didn't want to talk about it.

"Again? Janet, find something to do to get your mind off this. You've been having nightmares all night,"Snowflake stated with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Janet nodded. Everyone left after leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Janet lit a candle and sat down in an arm chair at the foot of her bed next to her window. She tried to recall everything that had happened earlier in the day.

She and Hyacinth were still fighting. Even after collecting their snow jackets they kept fighting. Sunflower had forgotten her earplugs while the others, fortunately, did not. The rest of the fairies were either victims of a headache, like Sunflower, or they had a nice show to help them with their work while others could care less.

"Oh are you gonna cry? Is the poor flower gonna wilt with tears? Oh, poor Hyacinth,"Janet taunted.

He only huffed,"I'll have you know that I only cry when a flower dies because it's such a loss for nature to lose such a beautiful thing but if it ever comes to you? Bah! I doubt anything would change!"

Sunflower, rubbing her temples, hissed at them after,"Oh, shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I can't stand you any longer!"

"Well she started it!"

"I did not, you oversized tulip!"

They kept fighting until reaching The Keeper's library. Dewey invited them inside and once inside Lord Milori insisted they had to see something in The Light.

He tapped his staff on the ground and the snowflake rose going up to some misty light. Janet reached the crown into the mist while also, to everyone's confusement, took off her own crown and held it up next to Clarion's.

Hyacinth asked indignantly,"What in Neverland are you doing?"

"There is something you have to know,"Janet stated in serious tone.

She rarely ever used it and so it caught their attention even more. Janet continued as she waited for the effects from the crowns to take place,"If my gut feeling is right then I know who it is that took Clarion. That person is Mortimer. He's been real active for awhile now. Especially in Dream Hollow. It was only a matter of time before...before he started involving Pixie Hollow into his plans. The two crowns glowed brightly and Janet retreated her arm back placing the silver atop her head once again.

An image appeared of Mortimer wearing a robe made out of spring flowers and atop his head lay crown of flowers.

Hyacinth huffed,"He just had to be the Minister of Spring. What's next? Milori used to be the Lord of Summer?"

In the image two beautiful young women appeared. The both were very similar. One had black hair that reached her waist but was put back in a ponytail. The other had brown hair that reached her shoulders. One had silver eyes while the other had blue. They both had tanned skin, and they were both the same height. They both had butterfly wings only one had silver and the other had gold. Behind them a taller fairy with a golden crown and pink gown with bird like wings and silver eyes appeared. She seemed to notice something. Everyone followed her gaze. They all noticed that the black haired fairy, which looked like the oldest, was staring deeply into Mortimer's eyes and he did the same.

"We fell in love. But the queen was murdered not too long after. Out of anxiety and foolishness I gave the position as queen to Clarion and like a coward I fled to Dream Hollow. A few years passed before the King of Dreams decided I was worthy of being his heir. During that time, Mortimer revealed his true intentions. He wanted to govern Pixie Hollow. Not be governed by someone higher than him. If it weren't for Milori's sacrifice, Ree wouldn't be here. Since then Mortimer and I have been bitter enemies since. And he'd go to any lengths to watch me suffer. Meaning, he is capable of taking her."

As if on cue, another image appeared revealing said sparrow-man kidnapping Clarion confirming Janet's theory.

Janet sighed hiding her face in her hands. This was all her fault. If it weren't for her rivalry with Mortimer, Clarion would be safe and ready to become a wife to a good sparrow-man. And now. Janet may never see her again.

That's when her instincts kicked in. She looked up and out the window over Pixie Hollow determination set on her face. She thought to herself and repeated it to herself over and over, I will travel to the Forbidden Hollow. I will save Clarion and we'll make it back alive. I promise to the second star on the right or else may the first take my faith.

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