Chapter 5

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"I still don't understand why you had Clarion's crown! " the Minister of Spring stated angrily. "I told you,Hyacinth! I went to go look for her! I found her cabin at Never Peak! Her stuff was all over! I only found her crown! I brought it back to see if it was a clue of what happened, where she could have gone, and who it could have been!"Milori explained again with annoyance in his voice.

"You idiot! Why did you even let her leave! Or better yet why didn't you go to that blasted Never Peak with her! Maybe you would be gone instead! " Hyacinth answered.

"I knew she needed a rest from everyone including me!" Milori defended himself.

"Oh yeah right! Pleasant my-"

"Hyacinth stop!" The minister of winter or Snowflake as she was known amongst the adults demanded. "I don't want you two getting into a fist fight again! The last time you fought, Milori ended banned from crossing the border for two months and you ended up in the hospital wing for three seasons! If he kills you it'll take years trying to replace the Minister of Spring," Snowflake said reasonably.

"She's right you know. " a familiar voice called to the group.

"Janet," the adults gasped in unison. They turned to face a tall woman with large silver butterfly wings and black hair pulled into a ponytail. She had crown placed crookedly upon her head. Everythingshe wore was silver, but she her hair was a mess and she was covered in dirt. "What is going on with everyone? Didn't Clarion tell you I was coming? Hey, you guys okay?" Janet rose an eyebrow noticing their nervous expressions.

Pixie Hollow was very familiar with this fairy. Her name was Queen Janet, ruler of the dream pixies. She was the closest friend to Queen Clarion and her sister. All the fairies knew that their love for each other went beyond the grave. They'd die for each other.

This was a normal characteristic for Janet. She craved for adventure, she was one of the other fairies, besides Tinkerbell who got along well with Peter Pan. "Hey that new kid, Stone. He's real nice and funniest kid I've ever met. Shame he's not a part of my kingdom." Janet stated. She had anervous edge to her voice causing some questions to rise again. She began ranting like usual but then her rant to Clarion.

"He looks a lot like her...where is Clarion?" she asked leaning on a nearby podium.

"Oh. Er, she went out. She's with Tinkerbell," Milori said nervously. "Yes, she wanted to make sure her new invention wouldn't give us trouble with the preparations," the Minister of Autumn, or Redleaf, finished the statement with a nervous chuckle.

"You know for a queen, I'd thought you'd be cleaner," Hyacinth stated.

"That's because I had to help one of your garden fairies out of scary situation involving a hawk. Apparently he'd been taunting it," Janet hissed.

Janet and Hyacinth did not like each other. They hated the very existence of the other and whenever she visited not a day went by without them fighting. "Before you two start your little conversation. Why don't you go and clean yourself up. We're going to have a walk through the Hollow just for everyone to come and welcome you back! And after there is a meeting that you must attend in place of Clarion," The Minister of Summer, or Sunflower declared. Janet rose an eyebrow,"Why can-"

"Go along and get ready! Shoo shoo!" hesitantly Janet flew to her room confused.

"What are you doing!" Hyacinth whispered.

"Sooner or later she's going to figure out what happened to Clarion so we might as tell her now," Sunflower sighed. "Besides she can help us. I have a feeling she's somehow involved in this..."

"Of course she is! She is! It's Janet! She's nothing but trouble! I wouldn't be surprised if she knew what was going on like she always does, that nosy little-" before he could finish his comment a shout came out from the hallway.

"I can hear you, flower boy!" Janet warned.

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