Chapter 14

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"Are you ready?" Zoey asked as they approached Mortimer's chambers.
"A...a little nervous. " Clarion stuttered nervously remembering earlier that day.
"Don't worry just yell if you need help. I have to go. Bye! Good luck! "Zoey assured and flew away to the direction of Never Peak.
Clarion walked in hesitantly. Once she was through the door she looked around for Mortimer but got a harsh push on her right side and she landed on the ground hitting the tender spot on her head.
She looked up and saw Mortimer frowning.
"Why didn't you tell me?!"he roared.
"Tell you what? "Clarion asked scared.
"That Janet had a child! "
"What! "
"One of my men saw him! He has the same features as Janet and I!"
"I never knew we had a new arrival. "
"Humph! The same excuse! Pathetic and weak just like her sister! "
"Leave her alone you brat! "
"No no no! Clarion do you want to have a replay of this morning? "
"Get away from me! "
"Just leave get out! I don't want to see you right now!"
Clarion left in a flash. Out side Zoey was glowing with delight. "Clarion it worked! Janet she was falling for Hyacinth! "
"Really! I feel bad knowing I created those nightmares just so she could be happy. "
"Well lets go to bed its late anyways."

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