Chapter 3

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Clarion and Milori rode on the snowy barn owl which belonged to the Lord of Winter. They made sure to keep out of the way of the pirates' ships and out of the mermaids' sight. As they flew they reached Never Peak and the owl landed. Milori helped Clarion down from the owl's back and the two made their way into the hollow of an old tree. Clarion stepped inside taking in the scent of the old, aging trunk. Milori set down her bag on the bed. Along the wall to its left was a nightstand with paintings of different fairies. Clarion inspected the small portraits with a warm smile on her face and then directed her attention to the leaf curtains currently covering the windows. She began to move the leaves out of the way let some light inside. 

Milori finally turned to her, "I'll be back in a small while to check on you. Meanwhile, try to rest. Go down to the shore, or take a nap. It'll be good for you."

Clarion gave him a nod and the two shared a kiss. She stood at the door frame, watching Milori pull himself back up and then fly back to Pixie Hollow, his feathery cape flying behind him. She slowly went back inside closing the door behind her.


Clarion woke in a dark and dusty room. Her body felt sore. Her muscles groaned and when she tried to sit up her head began to pound and the world around her spun. She tried to look around the room, but her glow was too weak. She tried to stand only to fall forward as her left knee gave in. She grunted in pain and stood again, managing to keep her balance. As she took a shaky step forward, she heard someone else take a breath and chills ran down her spine.

"Awake so soon, Clarion? I thought you'd be out longer. Or at least, long enough."

Clarion looked around the dark room, straining her eyes to see, "Who are you? Show yourself!"

"Now now, Ree. I would've thought you'd be able to recognize me. After all, we're family."

Clarion continued to look around frightened. She looked in all directions but it was still too dark. The sparrow-man finally stepped into view with a malicious chuckle. He had green greasy, long hair pulled back in a ponytail and startling grey eyes. A scar ran through one of them and his wings were tall and thin with an unsettling red glow to them. He wore a dark suit with a long coat over it and in his hand was a bronze, twisted scepter.

Clarion took a step backwards startled by his appearance. She recognized him. She knew who he was.

He was a murderer. 

"What do you want?" She hissed at him.

The sparrow-man to began pace around her in a circle. He gave her a honeyed smile, his eyes twinkling with a dark glint, "Oh, not much, my queen. Of course,  you know I want the Hollow, but I always seem to run into some form of trouble. Obstacles, if you will. Burdens that must be taken care of. I think it's time Janet and Milori be placed on death's list, don't you?" Clarion narrowed her eyes at him as he smiled at the thought. He gave a chuckle, "But I realized something. Pixie Hollow, well, that's material. Material prospects don't last long, but company. That lasts forever. Especially when you're bound to one another."

Clarion's heart fell. She knew what he was thinking. She shook her head, "No. Never. I would never marry somebody as vile and disgu-"

The sparrow man rushed forward toward her, placing the top of his scepter under her chin, "Don't test me, Ree. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Clarion tried to step away but he had cornered her against a wall. She could only go on the tip of her toes and raise her head to avoid discomfort. She strained her voice to be able to ask, "Where did you get this?"

"What this old thing? Nothing too important. It only harnesses the power to destroy you and Pixie Hollow. Maybe even Neverland itself," he continued to smile. It was obvious he found delight in the position he held Clarion in and he inched closer to her face. She turned her head as he whispered, "Well? How do you like the sound of that? Not too fun for you, I bet."

He moved clover. Close enough to where she could feel his breath pass over her ear, "Marry me, Queen Clarion." 

Clarion hissed, "I don't know what parasite has been eating your brain lately, but I do know this. Pixie Hollow will not be yours. You give me a situation where it loses either way. I'll fight for it before I hand it over."

The sparrow man watched her. He began to step away and his scepter began to glow the same ominous red as his wings, "I guess I'll just have to persuade some other way."

Before he could do anything, Clarion had a rush of energy and golden blast escaped her palm and hit the man in front of her. He fell over and looked up. Clarion stood tall, her glow had returned and with it came a fierce look in her eye. She stepped forward but found a familiar sight out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head to find a painting of Milori posted on the wall. Handwriting covered the painting and some faint black markings seemed sprawled over it. Milori's portrait caught her off guard. She forgot she wasn't alone. 

There was a sharp pain that ran up her spine and picked at her head. She collapsed to her knees holding her head as her vision began to blur and turn red. The sparrow-man stood in front, that same smile still plastered on his face and he gave her a laugh. She finally dropped to the ground. The echo of his laugh fading away with her vision.

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