Chapter 24

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The group was over the ocying non-stop. Janet was riding on the leader of the group of eagles with Hyacinth. The others were very surprised to see and hear not a single fight go on in between them. Instead they would whisper stuff to each other and at times one of them would look at the rest of the group.
"We have to tell them."Hyacinth whispered.
"I know but I don't want to know what this'll do to Milori. I mean I was traumatized when Fate told us about whats going to happen."Janet quietly responded.
"What do you mean fate?"he asked back.
"Thats the leader's name, Fate."
"Oh, what will we do then?"
"Hyacinth, don't pressure me. I'll think of something. Thank you for saving me."
"My pleasure. How is your leg?"
"Hurting, but better."
"I...I...never mind."
"Try breathing for once. You're too paranoid."
Hyacinth chuckled as Janet giggled which made the others even more bewildered. They would constantly see Janet blush, which was very unlikely,or Hyacinth smile. The eagle they were riding on would purposely make them jump so they would stop and they would go back to being serious and quiet. Onceit actually cawed at them as if scowling.
"Peri!"Tink called.
Immediately Peri's eagle flew closer to Tink's.
Although she had a pretty good idea what it was she still asked,"Whats wrong?"
"Don't they seem different? They aren't fighting instead it seems like if they're-"
"Yeah, now it made sense. Why the minister of spring was so worried about Queen Janet!"
At the same time Janet let out a laugh. Hyacinth couldn't help but to turn red. At once the eagle took a sharp curve downwards and upwards making them jump roughly on its back.
At once Janet was on the look out for the Forbidden Hollow as Hyacinth steered.
"Land!"Janet yelled.
In the distance a shadowy island was beginning to appear.
All the eagles dove in at the island in top speed once they landed they all hopped off, except for Janet of course.
"Alright, here is the plan,"Janet began."Lord Milori you an-"
"Queen Janet?"a familiar voice called.
The group turned around to see a pixie standing right behind Janet.
"Z...Zoey is that really you?"Janet stuttered close to tears.
"Yes, is."Zoey responded her voice cracking.
They hugged each other small tears going down their cheeks.
"Everyone. Here is an old friend of mine. Zoey, she's a nightmare talent."Janet cried.
"Nice to meet you!"Tink and Peri said.
"Now on with the plan."Janet began.

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