Chapter 28 - I Miss You

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......Hi! I haven't updated in a while...Soz.

I feel like sometimes people don't really enjoy this story so i just got bored and continued with my other one because it is more dramatic and interesting (Earning Trust from Phil) so i wanna make this a bit more dramatic.

NO SELF HARM, because I don't like to write that sort of stuff, but it will have more of an interesting storyline.

What do you guys think? Fluffy or storyline kind of fluff (cause tbh i don't really know where i'm going with this story). I need more comments!! Talk to me guyz I need to know you're opinion!!!

(Phew now that thats over and done with) THX for reading my little rambling moment (if you did and didn't just skip to the story lol) so here's a looong chapter with a storyline ^-^

(Tell me if u don't or do like it ;P)

On with da chapter...

Dan's POV

"DAAAAAN!!" Oh the beautiful noise I wake up to. Some people get chirping birds, some people even get violins!! What do I get? Phil Lester jumping up and down on my bed in attempt to wake me up.

"DAAN GET UP ALREADY IT'S ALREADY 2PM!! I'M BORED!!" Phil moaned again, pulling the duvet off of me, making the cold air hit me like a baseball bat. Didn't Phil ever put the heating on!?!

I flump myself up, grabbing the duvet that was now at my feet and spreading it back over me, feeling the comforting warmth return to me. Mmm. Radiation ^-^.

"Don't go back to sleep!! Dan, get up and do something productive with the day!" Phil whined again, plumping himself beside me onto my bed in defeat.

Lifting my arm lazily, I blindly searched for Phil's arm, yanking it down onto the bed a bit rougly.

With my eyes still closed and face snuggled into the pillow,  I pulled Phil closer to me, cuddling myself into his embrace as I felt the scent of pancakes, Lynx and peaches. All that makes Phil.

"Ouch Dan! Get up!" He moaned, snuggling up into me a bit in utter defeat.

"Phil, you smell nice today," I said soothingly into his ear, realizing how weird it actually sounded once I said it out loud.

"Uhh....Thanks Dan. I just took a shower, so that's probably why. Speaking of which, is what you should do right now," He added slyly.

"Can't we just lie here forever? Please Phil!" I ask, hugging him tighter as I push him closer to me in protection.

"No. Now come on Dan, please. I've had a really nice day planned for us since we've been busy with so much work lately since we've gotten back from our holidays. I miss you," The last bit came out as a croak and a whisper.

It made my heart hurt to hear Phil so genuinely sad about something, that I gently as possibly yanked Phil off of me, jumping off of my bed and helping him back up.

"Oww...Dan?" He croaked sadly.

"Sorry Phil. Um, shall I.  quickly take a shower ? I know i've been really lazy, i'm so sorry Phil," I ramble on.

"What the hell Dan? What's gotten into you?" He asks, eyes suddenly lighting up at my words.

"I don't know Phil...I-I-I guess i've kinda missed you too. We,-well you deserve to relax and I know I haven't been a very good boyfriend," I murmur, blushing at my own words. Boyfriend.

"It's fine Dan. I.......I missed you...boyfriend," Phil smiles up t me, his blue eyes shining brightly as his pale cheeks glow in embarassment.


Ok now very long.

Seeya in the next chapter...


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