Chapter 8 - "Truth, ...or Dare?"

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I had a sudden idea for the story hit me and i wanted to write more. hehe.
Besides,i hate having drafts and stuff, i like having them public straight away :D So yaa, enough of me and on with the story...

Phil's POV

I have to admit, i was quite nervous going to Chris' party. I don't really know who's going to be there. Atleast Dan was there. My crush and my best friend all i one. Dan comforted me as we walked to Chris' house. It was around 7 by now, and the streets of London were full of street lamps, the sky a cloudy blue. It was still beautiful though.

We were greeted by a cheerful Chris as we entered his place. We had been here like a billion times and i don't know why, but today felt different. Like i was a guest and not just a mate hanging around his other mates house. This gave me butterflies in my stomach.

Why am i nervous? It's just Chris and a few other friends! And yet, i couldn't shake away the nerves. What if everybody thought i was weird?  What if i do something embarassing!! It's not like i don't always embarass myself, but i always try to avoid it.

I end up saying something stupid, but Dan's always there to say something stupider, to get everybodies attension off of me and onto him.

Dan glances towards me, first a confused look, then a warm smile spreads across his face. I guess he could tell how i was feeling.

I somehow felt better though. Dan was here, by my side this whole time incase something goes wrong. I let out a long sigh of relief before smiling back at him.



Chris asks me, as we sit in a group of people spinning a bottle.

"Truth!" I yell back enthusiastically.

He takes out a truth card from the box and reads it. He grins mischeviousely at me.

"Phil would you rathe lick-"

"Chris, i swear down, if any of those truth cards have anything to do with me doing something dirty then im leaving the game!" I interrupt him warningly.

"Ugh!" He groans before setting that card down and picking another one.

Everyone chuckles, including Dan, who is sitting very close to me, but isn't very suprising to anyone as we are all closely packed together.

"Aww, ok i got it!" Chris announces whilst reading the new truth card.

"Tell me!" I say excitedly.

"Ok, so tell the truth. Out of everyone here, who would you like, take a bullet for or like, trust the most? Basically, who means the most to you in this circle?"

I look around the room, although i already know who i want to say. I just hope he dosen't get embarassed and everybody thinks of it in a friendly way. I mean as much as i love him, even before i liked him, i cared about Dan alot. Even back then.

I stare back at my hands, twiddling my fingers, feeling my face heat up and turn red.

"Dan," I whisper, not too quiet that nobody would hear, but just about loud enough to be heard. After all, the room was pretty much silent, waiting for my answer.

I suddenly hear everybody except me and Dan go "AWWW!".

I glance to my right side to see Dan looking at his hands too, a deep, dark shade of red. Then i see his lips curl up into a slight smile, but still not looking up.

I guess today, me and Dan have probably blushed like 10 times already.

I feel a hand patting me on my shoulder and look up to see Chris grinning widely at me, sitting on my left.

When the next dare is given, i quickly stand up and head to the kitchen. I grab a glass from Chris' cupboard and grab a bottle of water, pouring the water into the glass. I take a sip, hopeful that my redness had turned down by now. I still felt embarassed though.

I hear footsteps only to see Dan slightly smiling up at me.

"Can i have some?" He asks, pointing to the glass.

"Sure, have the rest!" I reply, smiling as i hand him the glass.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, as we were the only people in the kitchen at the moment, Dan finally said something.

"You too," I hear his whisper quietly.

"Me too what?"

"You, would like, take a bullet for you. You know, i trust you. Alot. And you...kinda mean the most to me..." He trails off, still looking at the glass of water.

He takes a sip of water and looks up at me.

Dan's POV

"Aww, Daaan!" Phil says before moving his arms up to my neck, pulling me closer and embracing me into a hug. He was slightly tiptoed to reach my neck, as he was slightly shorter than me, which just made him even cuter.

I wrapped my arms around his hips, resting my head on his shoulder, smelling his vanilla scented cologne mixed with his strawberry scented conditioner.

I honestly didn't care who saw us at this point. Nobody was particularly homophobic at this place, and as far as i know, everybody here pretty much ships phan anyway!

He let go of the hug and planted a small kiss on my cheek before smiling at me.

"That's so sweet!" Phil says, looking straight into my eyes.

Yaay, i LOVED that chapter. It was easily my favourite chapter i've ever written!!

I hope you liked it as much as me!!
Comment on what you thought!!
Love Ya...       BYYYEEEeee...

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