Chapter 25 - CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!!!

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So if you are reading this near Christmas then yaay. If you aren't then...SOZ...

Grab a mug of cocoa or hot chocolate and sit back and relax because this chapter is gonna be long.

On with da Christmas Special...

*21st December
4 Days before Christmas

Phil's POV

I quickly hopped into the shower, feeling the steaming hot water cleanse me, along with the scent of peaches.

I jumped out of the shower, picking out a big Chrismas jumper with reindeers on it along with some skinny jeans. Straightening my hair, i heard Dan knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" I yell through the door, trying to staighten the back of my hair.

"Oh, just a serial killer. I was wondering if you know where my axe is," Dan says sarcastically.

"Well in that case, come right in in!"


Dan opened the door, standing still shirtless, now wearing a pair of jeans much similar to mine.

"What's up?" I ask, still trying to fix the back of my hair, patting it down.

"Can i borrow a shirt?" Dan asks, sitting down next to me.

"Uh....sure. Wait, don't you have any spare shirts?"

"Nope. I accidentely packed all of my clothes in the suitcase for India. Since you're leaving for Manchester later, i don't wanna unpack mine. Please?"

"Ok, grab a shirt from my wardrobe then,"

Dan mutters a small thanks, making his way over to my small little wardrobe next to my bed.

For Christmas, Dan was leaving with his parents to India on holiday. I, however, was going back to Machester to spend Chrismas with my family. Less exotic, but still as important to me.

So, Dan and i decided to spend as much time as possible before he left. I leave for the airport a day after him. That day being tomorrow, when he leaves.

"What do you think then?" Dan asks, tugging at the sleeves, rolling them up. He was now wearing a jumper, much like mine, only he had a bit of blue in his.

"Looks better on you than me!" I laugh.

"Thanks!'re jumper and mine....sorry! I didn't recognise that it was exactly like yours!"

"I don't mind! It looks cute!"

Blushing, Dan walks over to my mirror to fix his hair, giving me a wink through the mirror.


Atfter i had bought my mum her present, and Dan had bought his brother's present, we went to Starbucks.

I ordered a gingerbread latte as normal and Dan ordered his hot chocolate. We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, sipping our hot drinks in appretiation.

After we had both finished, a young lady came over to our table to pick up our empty mugs. She looked quite pretty, and also...familiar.

Smiling sweetly at us, she gently placed our mugs on her tray after asking if we were finished.

"Im sorry, b-but have we met before? You two look awfuly familiar!" She chuckles nervously.

"Um...I'm not sure-" I reply, but interrupted by her again.

In love with a friend - A Phanfiction :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang