Chapter 2 - The Shop Assistant

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I'm back! Mwahahaha you shall never escape me (actuallly i don't think anyone actually reads my stories anyway lol but i just do it for my own enjoyment XD)

Dan's POV

Sometimes i really do just hate myself. I mean when your 3 year long crush is standing infront of you with nothing but a towel on, and all you do is obviously drool over him, you can't help but be annoyed at yourself.

There's no way in hell i'm gonna bloody tell that boy that i'm madly in love with him. I'd rather read all those fanfictions those crazy fangirls (and fanboys) write about us than actually doing what they make us do (nothing dirty ya naasstyy!)

Well, either way i'm still going to be left traumatised,right? So...YOLO?  Just kidding i mean that ironically, ... somehow.

Phil's POV

Wow, was he really staring at me? No, maybe he was disgusted, he probably just left the room quickly to laugh at me. I mean i'm not fat or anything, but i'm also not very athletic.

After pulling on a checkered shirt buttoned up leaving one button open and a pair of old skinny jeans on, i was almost ready. I took my hairdryer and straightener and got to work on my hair.

Finally, i put my straightener and hairdryer away and went over to Dan's room to see if he was ready yet.

Dan's POV

I sat there, thinking about Phil after i got ready. I was wearing my black leather jacket and skinny jeans before of course straightening my annoying hobbit hair.

There was a knock at my door and i jumped up, my heart pounding through my chest. Phil!

"Dan, are you ready yet, i think think that we should get going, we're taking the bus remember? Besides the next bus leaves in about 10 mintues," Phil said through the door.

I quickly checked my hair in the mirror before opening my bedroom door, only to see the most beautiful crrature ever. Phil with his usual style of an outfit on. Damn, sometimes he's so cute and other times he's so damn hot!

Phil's POV

"Uh, yep i'm ready! Lets go," Dan yells before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the front door.

His touch made my whole body tingle and my heart flutter. My face was flushed with embarassment and shyness.

Dan's POV

Any exuse to hold Phil's hand, i'll take it. When we finally got to the shop, Phill spent on what almost felt a hour pickin the right damn jeans.

He looks good in anything, he just dosen't understand that.

Phil's POV

I was taking extra long today picking out my jeans. I was just trying to find something that would impress Dan tonight!

When i eventually pick out a pair that i think will be good enough, we both walk over to the till. Both, with Dan accompanying me, not that i mind the slightest of course, but i guess it's sort of suprising.

Dan's POV

When Phil gave the pair of jeans to the cashier, she looked at us and smiled sweetly.

She looked like she was in her 20s, not much older than Phil and she was not especially bad looking. Just not my type.

"That will be ten pounds please," she smiled again with that warm smile of hers.

After giving her the money, while she was putting the jeans into the bag, she looked at us both again, this time, grinning widely.

"Sorry, but you two make an adorably cute couple! Are you together? Oh, sorry, that's personal isn't it, how stupid of me!" She continued.

I could see Phill going a bright red, making him cuter than ever - if that is even possible.

"Oh, no, it's fine actually we aren't a couple but we are friends!" I smile back

"BEST friends! I, yeah we're just, um really close, um,...friends," Phil smiles smiles back sheepishly, more interested in his shoes than looking at her face, now with his face a darker shade of red.

It took all of my strength not to tackle him into a tight hug and kiss right there and then. Somtimes that boy is just too adorable.

"Oh, okay! Thanks for coming! Bye!" The cashier waves us goodbye as i awkwardly walk back home with Phil, occasionally glancing back at his still glowing red cheeks.

He hasn't looked up from the ground once, avoiding my glances. I have a few suspicions, but i'm pretty sure that he might like me a little, but i am absaloutely certain that i am in love with the boy.

Yaay that took me about 30 minutes to write. BTW, do you know how much it hurts keeping your hands holding your phone on your chest, with your body facing upwards. VERY uncomfortable. And the English London weather dosen't help either. UGH. Whelp, see ya next time!

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