Chapter 22 - Phan Tweets!

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Chapter 22...Twenty too oooo ooo

I wanna upload every week, because i have been procrastinsting alot, but if i am especially bored, then i'll upload an extra story 4 u! :D
Who's been having their advent calenders!!! I got a Christmas Tree before :)

On with da story...

Phil's POV

After Chris and Pj left, me and Dan sat on our sofa, both wide eyed and staring at eachother in shock.

"Dan..." I finally say.

"Um, yeah?" He asks, still grinning widely at me.

"Is Kickthestickz real?"

"Um-haha, i think so Phil!" Dan laughs.

"One sec Dan," I say as i jog to my room, grabbing my laptop from my bed.

"PHIL GRAB MY MY LAPTOP PLEEEASE!" Dan yells from the living room.

I quickly make a U-turn back and into Dans room, straddling his laptop into my arms, ontop of mine. His is all boring and plain, whereas mine is filled with all these cute little stickers from Pikachu to 1D.

I wobble back into the living room where Dan was still sprawled out across the sofa.

"Make room!" I say, pushing his legs off of the other side of the sofa.

I hand him his laptop as i sit down into the browsing position. Generic pose for any tumblr users too.

"Thanks love," Dan says softly as he takes it off of me.

I check on Twitter first, replying to some of my latest tweets, like when my next video's coming out, or just stupid stuff like why my cereal is full of frosted more than the flakes in the frosted flakes.

I refresh my page to see that Dan has tweeted something. Yes, i do follow Dan.

    Dan Howel @danisnotonfire

'Anyone having a good day? I know i am!'
                  moments ago

After a few minutes of waiting for some more responses, i tweet back to him.

'@danisnotonfire How could you possibly be having a good day when our heater is broken and it's freezing in our apartment Dan? I'm soo cold...please send help. Achoo...'

I wait a few moments. Wow my fans are quick, when suddenly i get replies, like 'aww poor Phil!' or 'Dan turn you're heating on! '. Of course there were the occasional phan shippers, saying stuff like 'Guys, i wonder if they're cuddling up together RIGHT NOW!! Awww X3'.

Honestly, sometimes comments like these make me blush madly. God, i wish that were true.

I saw Dan chuckle after supposedly seeing my tweet, and quickly responded.

We were tweeting eachother even though we were in the exact same room as eachother! Oh technology, how you have changed us...

'@amazingphil Well it's not really my fault Phil. You're the one who broke the lightbulb downstairs and stuff!'

I giggled after reading it, and even more after reading the responses.

'OMG! Phan are fightin like an old married couple'

I decided to respond to this comment, saying 'we are not old or married... Atleast i hope i'm not old...not yet! :/

Almost what felt like a second after i tweeted that, i got a response from Dan already. He looked across to me, where he was still sat across the sofa, grinning widely.

'@amazingphil Aww don't worry Phil, you'll always be like a 6 year old to me! ;)'

"Aww Dan! Haha that's so sweet! Thanks!" I say, facing him.

"Well, it's not really much of a compliment Phil! I just called you a child!"


"I was just kidding! Well...if you take that as a compliment then it'll be a compliment for you!" He says, giving me a light and playful punch on my arm.

Aww! Lot's of tweeting there!

SOO SOZ if you don't have twitter or just don't get this chapter, because it's basically revolved around it and yeah...haha.

*awkwardly shys away into the corner of the room with packet of Doritos and chocolate for later

I'll see you next time...

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