Chapter 27 - Freezing Cold !^^!

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Omg i just found out that my friend is on Wattpad and then most of my form class is bloody on Wattpad!!


Lemongrab's voice:       UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing personal, it's just that they'll...kind of find out my major obsession with two cute best friends from London who make YouTube videos for a living, and how i WOULD LITERALLY DO ANTHING FOR THEM TO BE TOGETHER!!

I'm just gonna go cry and cringe in the corner...

On with da chapter...

Phil's POV

Fumbling my keys into the small door, i pushed it open, jumping in, saving myself from the rain that had been drenching me. I dragged my small suitcase from behind me, locking the door behind me.

I was soaked in rainwater, my fringe starting to get wavy at the end, my shoes making a small squidgy sound every time i took a step. I was just glad to finally be home, and even better, with Dan!

He's back from India! And since i'm back from Manchester, we didn't spend Christmas together. But, now we're finally re-united.

"DAAAAN!!!" I yell, suprised at how croaky and low my voice is, probably from not talking much on my journey back to London due to jetlag.

"PHIL!! YOU'RE BACK!!" I hear Dan yell from the living room.

"I KNOW RIGHT!! WHO'D OF THOUGHT!?!" I yell back sarcastically.

Leaving my suitcase in our hallways, i trudge into the living room to where Dan was currently cuddled into his duvet on the sofa with his Mac.

"Phil, why the hell is it so freezing in here? Ever since i've gotten back, the place has been like 4 degrees-" Dan exclaims, slowly lifting his head to see me shivering at the doorway, my space jacket currently soaking wet.

"Bloody hell Phil, didn't have an umbrella? Jesus, come here!" He laughs, dragging me to the bathroom where his bath towel is already hung on the door.

I sit on the closed toilet seat as he starts drying my hair with the towel.

"Dan, what are you doing? You know i can do this by myself right?"

"Yeah, well you have been gone for-what 3 weeks?"

"No, just a few days!"

"Same thing, don't blame me if you get ill again though. Especially in our freezing cold apartment! I'm not letting you get ill, just so you can infect me with you're disease!"

"Aww Dan, you're sooo considerate! You don't want me to get sick, just so that you don't catch it!" I say sarcastically.

"I'm a true romantic!" Dan smiles proudly.

"Can you get my suitcase from the hallway luv?" I ask,watching the redness in his cheeks at the nickname.

Dan walks back and carries my small suitcase to my room, where i was already practically stripping, my shirt sliding off, sticking to my body as the water had soaked through. Trust me, it's not as hot as it sounds, it's fricken annoying and gross.

"Whoah Phil! A warning before I entered would of been nice!" He laughs.

"Haha, sorry Dan, I was just about to take a nice long shower. I'm literally sooo exhausted!" I moaned.

I looked up at Dan, who was blushing at my lack of clothes, looking at the floor.

God, he's so cute...

Really short chapter...soz
I'm still freaking out if my classmates see this..oh well...YOLO

This is just based of Dan and Phil when Dan comes home from India, and Phil returns shorty afterwards from Manchester.

Seeya in the next chapter...

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