Chapter 13

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Recap: When Samyak eloped from the life of Mahi, she felt disappointed with her fate. Again a tragedy in her love life left her hopeless. But this time she collected herself and moved on with her chin up high. She worked hard indulging in her old job to escape out from the past. After tiring 6 months she decided to take a vacation to renew her mind from the hectic schedule. Deciding on Coorg in Karnataka she bid her goodbyes to her best friends and parents.

After checking-in to Flora Homes I entered with my trolley bag taking in the view of brightly lit cream color room. In front of my line of sight were three french windows from where the daylight was oozing out. On the left adjacent wall of windows placed a queen-size bed with a beautiful rose pattern bedsheet. I paied butler his tip and closed the door. With a long sigh I jumped on the fluffy bed. After travelling it feels nice to lay on a comfy bed. Soon, I don't know when I drifted to a peaceful slumber with white comforters over me.

I took a long warm bath and changed into new pair of clothes. I was feeling fresh after a good sleep of four hours. I called my parents to inform them about my well-being and it took me half an hour to end my call sessions with my two lovely best friends-Shruti and Amar and my sister Aradhya di.
I was contemplating on two options:

i) Should I start my sight-seeing now or should wait till tomorrow?

ii) Should I take a tour of Flora Homes as it have many views to capture in my DSLR?

I decided to go for the latter. I had paied this hotel not just for an accommodation, after all. As I came downstairs I approached the receptionist to guide me about the directions of the hotel's whereabouts. She nodded politely and instructed a butler who then escorted me towards the pool area. There was a big rectangular pool containing clear blue water beautifully lit with pinkish and bluish lights at its four corners. Around the pool, at some distance, four to five tables were set- maybe for romantic dinner. A medium size artificial waterfall with green and blue foam at the bottom and greyish stones its either side was decorated at the other view of tables. Children were running and playing with the water near the waterfall and some couples were taking selfies. Sure... A nice background they got there. I too took some pictures with my camera.

Everything was mesmerising to my black orbs. Whether it was a waterfall, a game room, dinning area or that lavish pool. I roam around for nearly two hours when I felt my stomach grumbled from hunger. Okay... Fine! Let's full you, you little beast.
I felt satisfied after ravishing the delicious dishes I orderd, actually forgetting about my surroundings in dining area. Not to forget the creamy mouth watering vanilla-chocolaty ice-cream. This is what I want. No rush to home. No tension. Only tasty Food. What can I say... I know I am foody. Everyone loves tasty food but me? I live for tasty food. Lil bit exaggerating but its truth.

I then decided to entertain myself. Why not trying Games Room? So... My next stop was playing area. There were many kids playing along with the adult ones. It was fun playing pinball, basketball, car racing and all sorts of childish games. At a corner, I heard shoutings. I found a group of people playing pool and table-football , screaming to encourage their friends. This was exciting though I don't know how to play Pool or Table-football. I looked at my wrist watch which Amar gifted me and it was already midnight. I started missing him suddenly and a small smile creeped on my face remembering the moment he surprised me with the watch. I decided to head back to my room. I changed  my clothes to my light pink pj's and a black loose top. Should I again call Amar? Its past midnight. What he will think of me? No, I should not make him worried at this time. Because I will not be able to answer him to why I called him so late night and he will surely get panic if I didn't response him correctly. So cancel everything. Just lay down and sleep because tomorrow I'm going for an adventurous trip of Coorg. Wow! I am so excited! Coorg here I come and with this thought I went back to my LaLa land.
Sorry for this short chapter. Will come up with the bigger ones. Next chapter will be about Mahi's trip as you all know. So be ready for a tour to Coorg with Mahi. ✌😋

~Keep smiling~

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