Chapter 12

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"Yes Aradhya di! My application got accepted."

"That's good! Are you going to shop anything for your trip?" She asked

"Of course! You know mother very well. Always up for shopping." I replied amusingly

"Sure I know her." She laughed on my statement

"Ok... I got to go now. Break is almost over." I said hurriedly

"Okay! Remember to WhatsApp me your shopping,girl! Bye!" She almost shouted on the phone.

"Sure Ma'am! Bye!" I sneered

After relishing my evening snacks and ginger tea with a laid back posture on my living room sofa, we headed to "shopping mission". Only according to me.

With a profound knowledge of fabrics and high level of enthusiasm, my mother shopped till my feet started crying for rest. I consider this kind of shopping as 'boring' and 'tiring' parade. Nodding a "yes" or "no" feels much easier for me. While for my mother it infuriates her. Sorry... I can't help it. We finally came to my favourite part of shopping i.e. Golgappas! I can never get tired of them.

With handful of shopping bags I trudged upstairs to my room. It's a "tradition" in my family that we always show our shppoing materials to my father. Except for some personal things. You know... There is this habit in me from the beginning to show everything I buy to Papa. Maybe for his appreciation because he always approved and chose my choice over other two ladies in house.

"Mahi, I think you should start packing your luggage. Now only two days are left."

"Mummy, don't worry! I'll pack my suitcase tomorrow after college." I assured her

"Okay! Pack this mess before you sleep." She said pointing towards now my scattered new clothes and accessories.

"Sure!" I said sheepishly. "Bye! Good Night Ma and Pa"

"Good Night Beta( dear)" they both replied in unison.

This is where I sometimes realize that your "Mom" is not your helping hand but it's the other way around, doesn't matter if it's your work or hers.

Looking with my narrowing black oculus at my two loaded bags, I doubted for a moment that, am I going on a four days trip or four months?
Surely my bag isn't full of clothes and toiletries but my mother's concern and care. A valid reason why the whole world respects a woman as a "mother" more than anything. Two days spent in a blur with college, more shopping,packing or unpacking and last but not the least "whatsapping" images to Aradhya di.

I was waiting for Shruti on the doorway with my luggage and a Caprese handbag hung on my right arm. A car rolled in front of the main gate indicating her late arrival. She was half an hour late but I cannot balme her, it's 4 in the morning afterall. She usually wakes up near 8 in the morning. So I can understand and therefore I didn't argue with her. She was in her pink pj's and black tee-shirt. Hair in a loose ponytail with sleepiness evident in her eyes. Looking too cute!

With loads of advices from my parents on taking meals at right time and to call them once or twice a day, I buckled my seatbelt with Shruti on driver's seat. They sometimes treat me like their small girl which makes me emotional and difficult to leave. With a half-hearted smile I waved them bye. Why is it always painful to say goodbye to your loved ones? Though I'm going for only four days that too on a vacation but still it tugs my heart a little bit in this scenario.
Successfully Shruti diverted my mood with her listful demands from Coorg. Also for Vishal jiju. A threat not to return empty-handed else I will not be permitted to enter in my own house was enough to make a reminder in my 'small brain'. Not that small. Of course a big one! Okay! A simple average brain! That's correct.
After parking the car at parking lot I took out my bags and dragged my trolley bag towards entrance while Shruti was trailing behind with my other bag. As it was early morning time a light refreshing breeze and rising sunrays distracted my attention from our continuous converstaion.

"Are you even listening to me?" Shruti asked wiggling her eyebrows

"Yes... Of course darling!" I replied a bit unsurely

"Really? Then tell me what was I asking?" She asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You were... Um..." I was looking everywhere but her.

"Nevermind! Just remember to call me as soon as you landed to Karnataka."

"Sure! I will call you guys everyday."

"Good! Now go! I'm feeling sleepy. I am going to take a long nap at home." She yawned

"You mean a good long sleep. And yes I should go now. It's about time to catch my flight."


"Bye Shruti!" I shook my head and smiled.

"Bye Mahi! Take care."

"You too." I shouted and waved.


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