Chapter 1

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It had been six months since the night of the theatre and John and Evelyn's bond had only grown and prospered into something beautiful.
They had decided to spend the day together at a country park in Buckinghamshire. Thankfully it was rather quiet so there was hardly so anyone else around.

"Come on John, keep up." Evelyn teased as John trudged behind with his cane.

"Maybe you should slow down." he said.

"Perhaps we should have a break, we have been walking for quite some time." she stopped to allow John to catch up.

"Yes, I am feeling rather peckish." he linked arms with her as they walked through the forest.

It was a glorious day. The sun cast a warm dappled light through the trees and birds chirped merrily above. The peaceful sound of the flowing stream filled the air. Without a single soul around to gawk in horror it was perfectly tranquil and harmonious. After walking a few more minutes they came across a clearing where they laid out a picnic blanket and sat down.

"This trip has been very good so far." John said as Evelyn took all the food and cutlery out of the basket.

"Yes it has. I think we still have another hour or two of daylight before we should be heading back."

They spent the next half hour eating and talking and admiring the scenery around them.

"Don't you think it a little indecorous for us to be out alone together? Not that I don't like it." John said.

"Nonsense. We don't need a chaperone everywhere we go, why conform to what everyone else considers proper? I think it is important for us to spend time alone. After all, we can do whatever we like without anyone else around to judge." she kissed him.

"Well when you put it that way." they kissed again, deeper this time.

"Now we mustn't get too carried away, not before marriage." she said.

"Marriage? You would really consider that?" John said.

"Well, at some point in the future. We can't fool around the rest of our lives." she looked into his eyes.

"Oh by the way, I have another opera next month. I'm starring opposite this Italian singer, can't for the life of me remember her name though. She's a frightfully awful character, always shouting at the rest of the cast. She doesn't seem to like me much either." she said, lying down on the grass.

"She sounds horrid, It'll be interesting to see who she's playing."

"So what's new in the world of John?" she asked.

"Oh nothing much. I've had a few visits from Mrs Kendal's friends. Apparently I'm quite the celebrity amongst high society." he said.

"Well aren't I the lucky one?" she smiled.

"Have you finished? We should probably be going now otherwise it'll be dark by the time we get back." she began to pack away the plates.

"Almost, just give me a minute." he replied.


The journey back was almost two hours and they were both exhausted by the time they got back.

"I think I'll be going straight to bed when I get back home." Evelyn said as they stood in John's room.

"Yes, I probably will be too. I did enjoy myself today but the journey was rather tiring."

"Well I'd best be getting back. Goodnight darling, I love you." she kissed him.

"I love you too, goodnight my dear."

Once she had left, he got himself ready for bed, all the while thinking about what she had said on their trip.

"Perhaps it is time." he said to himself before he laid down to sleep.

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