Don't Let Go ~ 11

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Keiko's POV:

Today's the day of the ball, everyone will see me as a princess, yay.

It's not that I hate the idea of ruling the country, but I'd much rather be with Fairy Tail, they're my real family, they never abandoned me, instead.... I abandoned them...

The ball starts in 4 hours and I have to be their in 3 so Fiera is helping me with wardrobe and makeup and hair, all that fun stuff.

I ende up wearing a white one that my mother used to own. It's a strapless dress that has been in my family for generations.

My brown hair was curled and left out and Fiera is a legend at makeup.

Picture at top, only Keiko has brown hair.

I helped her get ready and into her orange, sunset dress that suited her perfectly.

I helped her get ready and into her orange, sunset dress that suited her perfectly

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Btw this is Fiera

When we were both ready we headed down to the Great Room

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When we were both ready we headed down to the Great Room.

As we arrived we saw tables and chairs scattered around and a clear spot left for everyone to dance.

My father ran up to us immediately and whispered something in Fiera's ear, to which she nodded and linked my arm with hers urging me to follow her.

We waited somewhere for about an hour and a half until there was an announcement, Fiera and I were talking the entire time so the wait wasn't too boring.

"Now everyone it is time to meet our princess, and future queen.

Princess Keiko Fiore!"

I walked out with Fiera following close behind and smiled until I saw many familiar faces.

"F-Fairy Tail?" They all stared in shock when they saw me, but I looked over them, pretending not to see them.

"Now everyone! Put your masks on and dance the night away!" The announcer guy said.... I need to learn his name.

I exited the balcony where I stood and put on my mask, I then walked downstairs with Fiera.

"Fiera! You didn't tell me Fairy Tail would be here!?!?" I whisper yelled.

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