Prologue ~ Part 2

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Mirajane's POV:

I saw what happened between Juvia and Gray. After Gray left Juvia walked up to the bar and sat down.

"Mira~San can I please have a water?" She said softly.

"Of Course Juvia." I gave her a warm smile and went to get her glass.

I put it down in front of her.

"Hey Juvia... do you want to know what Gray was talking about?" I asked kindly and carefully.

"Wait. Mira~San... you know?" She asked surprised.

"Most people here do... they just don't like remembering..." I replied sadly.

"Y-yes... could you please tell me Mira~San..." she requested softly.

"Of Course. Come with me." I told her motioning for her to follow.

We walked down into the library and sat at one of the tables. I searched for a photo album from when we were all little.

"Let me see... Aha!" I said proud of myself for finding it.

I walked back to Juvia and showed her a picture.


"This is... well was... Keiko Dreyar..." I said sadly.

"Keiko D-Dreyar?" She said seemingly surprised.

"She was the masters grand daughter... Lexus's sister..." I told Juvia.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Well the story starts when Gray first joined the guild

Flashback 9 years ago

No-ones POV:

A little girl was playing with her big brother in a field not too far away from their guild until a loud bang was heard in the direction of their home.

The boy and girl ran only to find two other kids, both boys fighting, while their grandfather sat and watched. The young girl ran over to her grandfather.

"Papi! What's happening?" She said while sitting on her 'Papi's' lap.

"These two are new to the guild and seem to be very competitive." He replied to his young grand daughter who was staring at the boy with raven hair.

"Keiko!" The young girl turned her head only to see her very best friend, Lisanna Strauss.

"Lis Lis!!!" She yelled happily as she got off her grandfathers lap and ran to her friend.

"Keiko!! The new guys!! We should talk to them!" Lisanna yelled as Keiko nodded in agreement and ran over to the boys.

"Race ya!" She called as she was already half way their.

Lisanna smirked than changed into her cat armour and sped way ahead of Keiko. Lisanna obviously won and Keiko and her started an argument forgetting the two guys who stopped their fight to see what was happening.

"No fair Lis! You cheated!!!" Keiko complained.

"You started it!!!" Lisanna argued.

Keiko was about to say something until she realised that she actually did start it, instead she pouted and turned to the two boys.

"Hi! I'm Keiko! This is Lisanna!!" Keiko said more to the raven head than the Pinky.

"I'm Natsu and this is the ice princess, Gray!" Pinky replied.

"Ice Princess?" Lisanna questioned while Keiko nodded not understanding.

"YEAH Gray here is a weird one. I mean he uses ice powers!" Natsu laughed.

By now Lisanna was slowly backing away and Gray seemed to catch the memo and backed away too while looking at Keiko who hid her eyes with her bangs angrily.

"Something wrong with ice powers Natsu?" Keiko spat angrily.

"Yea I mean they're so weak and have got nothing against fire!!!" Natsu laughed still not realising.

"Except this." Keiko said as she sent a blast of black ice at Natsu who was now unconscious and walked away.

"Better watch your mouth Natsu." She said just before disappearing from everyone's sight, Lisanna close behind her.

"Sorry about that Natsu, Gray..." Lisanna said quickly than exited.

3 days later

Keiko and Gray started hanging out a lot more often and even practice together. They've become really good friends and Keiko forgave Natsu but made him promise never to say anything bad about ice powers ever again. Natsu agreed slightly scared but he and Keiko are pretty good friends aswell. Keiko also gets along well with both Erza and Mirajane whilst getting slightly caught up in their battles. Keiko still hangs out with Lisanna but she's been with Natsu a lot, not that it matters...

7 Years Later

Keiko and Gray had just left for a job, to catch a monster that has been terrorising a town for 3 months now.

When they arrived they split up to find the monster. Gray took the right side while Keiko took the left side of the forest.

After walking for 3 hours Keiko finally found something, something amazing. She set off a signal flare for Gray but continued looking at the... dragon.

The dragon was one Keiko met 3 years ago on one of her first jobs when she got split up from Lisanna, Natsu and Gray. This dragon took care of Keiko for 5 days and was so kind. But what is it doing here?

Gray finally arrived and Keiko told him to watch and not attack.

Gray, trusting Keiko, let her do what she was doing until he saw the wing flying towards Keiko. He was paralysed in shock as Keiko flew through the air. He heard her scream and was snapped back to reality. But it was too late. Keiko rose in the air and faded away.

Gray heard her last words.

"Please Gray.... move on... but... don't Forget Me..." she said in pain with a loving look in her eyes.

"Keiko! Keiko!!! KEIKO COME BACK PLEASE!!!! Please!!! please..... Keiko" Gray pounded his fists on the ground and returned to the guild alone that day.

Present Time

"He didn't talk to anyone for 6 months after that. No one knew of his feelings for Keiko until that moment. Everyone was upset already as 2 weeks before Lisanna also d-died" I finished the story close to tears and looked up at Juvia who had a look of sympathy in her eyes.

"Mira~San I'm so sorry...." she said looking down...

"It's fine... I'm... fine...." I said taking a deep breath.

'Keiko... Lisanna... when are you coming back?'

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