Don't Let Go ~ 3

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Gray's POV:

I watched Keiko as she walked up to Gramps, then upstairs. 'Probably going to bed' I thought. I looked at her face a little more closely and noticed a bruise.
'She didn't have that before, so how did she get it?' I looked around and saw Juvia glaring at her. "That's how" I said to myself.

I got up and walked over to Juvia. "Juvia?" I called. She looked up to me and her eyes twinkled. "GRAY~SAMA!!!!!" She yelled and tried to jump on me as I dodged. "Juvia!" I yelled which got a few people's attention but they went back to their own business. Juvia looked up at me confused. "What's wrong Gray~Sama?" She asked softly. "Did you hurt Keiko?" I asked firmly. She looked shocked and put on a 'sad' face. "That Keiko girl attacked Juvia while Juvia was off guard saying how 'Gray~Sama belonged to her' then she threatened to kill me so I punched her to protect myself!" She explained but I knew she was lying. Keiko would never hurt anyone unless it was to protect her family. "Juvia. Don't lie. I know Keiko better than almost everyone here. She doesn't hurt any one. Plus she's one of my best friends I'd take her side over yours any day." I said pretty harsh but I know Juvia hurt Keiko and I can't lose her again.

I walked out of the guild heading home. When I arrived I just went straight to bed happy that Keiko and Lisanna were back.

I sighed happily and fell asleep.

'Good Night... Keiko'

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