Dont Let Go ~ 8

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I walked through a forest under the light of the full moon, I didn't know where I was going but I felt like this was the right way. I continued walking until I found a clearing in the forest, but the only thing their was Gray, he was lying in a puddle of blood.

"K-eiko..... Y-you d-id th-this..."

His eyes turned black as did his blood, he slowly faded away into dust.

"Gray? GRAY!!!!!" I yelled running too where he was previously. Tears ran down my face as I sobbed to myself.

Suddenly the setting changed. I was in a room that looked like the one at my parents house.... well their... castle...

Stood at the thrones were my real parents, not Laxus' parents but my parents, their necks slit open, pure red blood dripping out, on the floor their was a note. I picked it up and read it.

'Keiko, the longer you take to come and fulfill your true place in this world, the more people you care about die.


No, not Tora, it can't be her.... she died...

Suddenly the setting changed again, I was in the guild, but it was silent. I looked around and on the walls, were my guild mates. Each of them lifeless.

Natsu, Lucy, Levy, Gajeel, Jet, Droy, Macao, Alzack, Bisca, Bixlow, Freed, Evergreen, Cana, Elfman, Juvia, Kinana, Laki, Lisanna, Loke, Max, Mira, Nab, Lily, Romeo, Wendy, Reedus, Wakaba, Happy, Carla, Erza, Gramps, Gildarts, Lexus-nee....

...and Gray.

Standing in the middle of the room was Tora herself. With her long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes. She was wearing a sadistic smile as she looked at me. I had tears running out of my eyes.

"The clocks ticking, Kiki" she used the nickname she used to give me back when we were really little.

I woke up breathing hard. I looked at the time, 5:30am... jeez I should get ready.

I walked to the bathroom and had a shower.

Okay so, let me explain.

My mother and father aren't the same people as Laxus-nee's mother and father.... well, we have the same mums but not dads. My father was, and still is, the king of Fiore, he married my mother when Laxus was already 2 and living with his dad and grandfather. I was born 1 year later. My mother died when I was 4, my father was too upset to take care of me properly so he gave me to my grandfather and brother. I had a best friend back then, her name was Tora. She had long blonde hair and the kindest, purest smile. She was the daughter of a maid that looked after me. Recently I have been hearing things about her. She has become a wanted criminal ever since I was 10. My father had gotten himself a new wife soon after I left and they had princess Hisui. I'm 17 now and when I'm 18, I'm supposed to take the throne. If I don't, Tora won't stop until everyone I care about is dead. It's my birthday in 7 days, I have to leave Fairy Tail by then.

I stepped out of the shower and put on my clothes for today. I left my hair out and stepped out of the bathroom. Lucy woke up before me and was already ready. We went down stairs and saw everyone else down as well.

No one here knows about my past, not even Laxus, only Gramps.

We started the plan. Me and Gray were to stay and watch in case anything goes wrong. There were a few times Gray tried to start a conversation with me but I was to lost in my own thoughts.

Soon enough the guild was defeated and the girls were set free. But I noticed something on one of the members.

'Tora had the same mark, she's in this guild.'

I told everyone I would catch up to them later and walked in the guild, but no one was harmed. They all looked at me as I entered.

"Where is Tora?" I asked confidently.

They all pointed towards a door. I walked over and knocked.

"Come in." I heard from inside.

I walked in and she looked up at me.

"Keiko? What are you doing here?" She asked.

I smiled at her. "Even though I know you've done bad things, I do miss you Toto." I said using her nickname whilst smiling at her and she smiled back.

"7 days, Keiko. When are yo-" I cut her off.

"Today. I want you to take me there." I told her and she nodded.

"What about your guild, your not going to say goodbye?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"I'll write Gramps a letter but that's all. They will try to stop me from this and I have to do it." She nodded and we walked out of the office.

"Everyone! Can I have your attention!" Tora yelled. The guild turned to her.

"I will be away for a little while, so take care of the guild until I get back." She said and they nodded.

I can't believe this is a dark guild it's as if I'm back at home in Fairy Tail.

"So are you ready to go princess Keiko?" She asked and I nodded.

Goodbye FairyTail....

Goodbye Gray.

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