2.0 / New Year New Me

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In the previous chapter, you had witnessed the battle scene between vampires and exorcists. Now you will be able to see what happened to you during it (because I mean, you can never miss out on all the big stuff lol.)

Your Pov.

I stood in the corner staring at the glowing lights coming from the exorcists. It definitely looked rough but it was better if I stayed out of it. Causing a scene now would only be worse.

My heart pounded in my chest. I shivered at the thought of one of them getting hurt. They were good people...even if they weren't my favorite.

I felt a sudden flash of wind that blew the strands of hair away from my face. The hissing sound behind me made it hard for me to turn around.

Just do it (y/n)....

I inhaled deeply as my head started to pound. I was so damn terrified. I slowly turned around to see a pair of glowing red eyes painted into the darkness.

I couldn't yell or speak. It was like the words had just disappeared so my mouth just hung open like an idiot. The creature hissed and I was blown away like the wind had just punched my side as the creature slammed into the part of the wall I was just leaning on.

Did I do that?

I saw the red eyes in the dark again, more fiery than ever. It almost seemed to threaten me with the thought of death.

I just laid there on the ground trying to catch my breath. The adrenaline pulsed throughout my body.

I yelped closing my eyes as I saw 'it' shoot at me as I raised my hands to cover myself.

Are you an idiot (y/n)?!

At least I thought I was. I opened my eyes to see nothing.

" Huh?" I asked myself. I just laid there. My body was numb.

No, you were just seeing things.

I shook my head.

It's just dark and really cold tonight...

The fighting in the background faded out as I try to warm myself up with my hands.

" Fuck!" I cursed as my skin seemed to burn under my own touch. My eyes widened at the sight of them.


They were freaking glowing blue!

The veins in my hands flowed blue as they pulsed matching my rapid heartbeat.

It's just so hard to explain.

Did I make the thing disappear?

Did I do....that?

A smile creeped up on my face as I tried to hide it. No, this wasn't a good thing. This isn't supposed to be.

But through all this... is this the thing I could trust?

The thing I could lean on? It's definitely not human, but it's something.

" NO!" A voice shouted from the fight scene along with a blinding light coming from the corner.I tried to scurry onto my feet as I ran grabbing to the corner. My eyes grew even more wide.

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