0.6 | Fight!

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Your Pov.

I can't believe I was so selfish. I kicked the rock on the sidewalk out of frustration. I got out of the that library as fast as I could. After I agreed to their little deal, Rem literally disappeared and Mage and Shiki continued to talk about whatever.

All I ever wanted to do was protect Ritsuka the best I could as a sister and I risked her safety for a measly deal out of curiosity. I let my guard down the slightest and this happens...

And me, the girl who had gone unnoticed for more than half of her life, is partially a devil? You can tell me lies like, "my biological parents cared for me" or "I'm relevant to the world" but telling me I'm some make believe creature crosses the line.

There is an explanation to the things that have happened to me but I just.. don't believe it's because I'm a devil. Weren't devils like... heartless?

I can act cold and emotionless at times but if I were truly heartless, why would I care so much about Ritsuka and all? Where was she anyways?

My heartbeat increased a bit. She was the closest thing I had to calling family, I couldn't lose her. I already lost Lindo...

Not only did my heart rate increase again, it skipped a beat at his name. He was so perfect like his sister, maybe even more. I always felt something more than just sibling love for him, for so long too... It sucks to admit he still has that effect on me even after he tried to, kill me.

But it's hard to let go of years of bonding. His determination, his protectiveness was something I always loved about him. Not just that, I also admired him so much. Who knew those traits could possibly be his drive to kill me?

Guess that admiration is slowly disintegrating.

I swerved into the quieter streets in the back alleys. I always found it easier to think here. Besides, if I spaced out, I wouldn't bump into anyone in these places.

"Oof.." I grunted falling off the balls of my feet. I spoke too soon. "I'm really sorry.." I apologized getting up but I panicked when I saw his red hair. My feet were frozen to the ground, denying my own demands to run away from him.

"It's okay, miss..!" He chuckled standing up but the moment our eyes met, the color from his eyes drained. His face turned as hard as stone and seeing it directed to me, hurt way more than I ever thought it would.

"(Y/n)." My heart tightened. It wasn't because he said my name but because of the way he said it. As if he truly despised me...which he does.

"I'm sorry." Like always, I apologize to him but for a different reason. You can say to me, "But he was the one who tried to kill you! Why are you apologizing?" Because it feels like I'm always the one at fault and even if I'm not, it's just the burden of a person.

"How long have you known?" Lindo gritted his teeth and I glance at his clenching fists turning white. Does h-he want to hurt me that bad? "How long have you know about who you were?" His voice bounced off the surrounding walls making it louder. We were the only two people in the alleys right now...

"I don't know who I am anymore." My voice cracked. I looked down at the floor because I couldn't face him, not now at least.

"Don't play with me. What if this is all an act? Admit it, that you were trying to hurt us." Ouch.

"It isn't, Lindo. I would never hurt you or Ritsuka. You guys are my fa-"

"You disgust me right now." His words felt like venom and the heartache became physical. What was I supposed to say? One of the two people I was closest to couldn't stand the sight of me.

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