1.1 / Acception

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Your Pov.

" Woah..." My eyes were wide as I stared at Shiki and his black wings. They were way bigger than the first time I saw them.. My mind wandered to what if I have wings?

" Honey, i'm a fallen angel. I know sure as hell you aren't." He smirked as if he knew what I was thinking. My eyes wandered anywhere but him and his wings...

" So now what?" I asked. As much as his wings amazes me, I didn't see the point. He rolled his eyes at me. In a snap, his face was right there. Right there in front of me. No time to react whatsoever.

" I have to admit, it's fun seeing you so shocked and making you squirm." A light blush went over his cheeks. H-he...

" Anyways, I want to hear you say it." Shiki said.

" Say what?" I asked uneased.

" What I am." He said.

" A fallen angel?" I asked.

" Say it." Shiki urged me.

" Fallen angel." I said confused.

" Say it again with more confidence." Shiki demanded.

" Fallen angel." I said.

" No, I'm not." Shiki said. What? I'm so confused.

" Yes, you are." I said looking at him weirdly.

" No, I am not." He said forcefully. What the hell.

" Uh, yes you are. I see your wings." I said pointing at them.

" So? I'm not a fallen angel." Shiki scowled. Is he bipolar?

" Yes you are." I said with more power this time. I looked him straight in the eye. 

" What's your proof?" He said. Why is he in so much denial?

" Because you have black dam wings sprouting out from your back!" I shouted stating the obvious.

" Okay, then what are you?" He said with a smile. W-hat.

" Human." I muttered.

" Don't sound too confident." he stated. This whole time, his face hasn't moved. Still close as ever... but why do I feel the sense of, comfort?

" You're a devil." Shiki continued. He said it.

" No, I'm not." I said. I put my head down slightly. It became like an instinct when I felt insecure.

When I felt scared.

When I felt like I wanted to crawl up into a ball in the corner of the room.

" Yes, you are." Shiki said giving me weird look. What is he trying to do?

" No, I'm not." I said. I could feel my body turn cold. Like I had been dipped into a bucket of ice.

" Yes, you are." Shiki said forcefully like he was stating a fact. A fact... It's not a fact.

" Shit!" I heard Shiki yell. I looked up to see the edge of his fingertips discoloured. I was scared. 

What's happening? 

What's going on?

Is he okay?

" This is my proof, you did this (y/n). I tried to touch you but you did this to me." he laughed holding his hand up.

" No, I didn't! I would never hurt someone!" I shouted. my vision became blurry. I wouldn't.

" Accept it (y/n). Embrace it with open arms. Why are you in denial?" Then I realized, h-he flipped our roles

He never really disagree with the thought of him being a fallen angel.

He never really was in denial.

I was.

I was in denial.

" I... I am." The words came out limp. I could see Shiki smile proudly at himself.

" You are who you are. I want you to accept it before I could help you with anything." Shiki said like a wise old man. Who knew?

" Why?" I asked him.

" Ritsuka already knows. She knows you're part devil. You two need to be on the same page. You need to know how she's thinking, so you should know you're a devil too." Shiki shrugged. I slowly nodded picking up the information he fed me.

" So (y/n), do you accept it? That you're a devil?" He asked confidently. Do I really?

" Y-yes." I said. He sighed disappointedly.

" Why can't you have more confidence?" He asked me. I always struggled with confidence...all the times I have shouted or yelled was out of anger, pain, or fear... I want confidence. Saying that is like saying I want to be like.... her.

" Yes." I tried to muster up all the little confidence I had. Shiki had backed up and rubbed his temple.

" Oh lord, you will need some work." he mumbled to himself but loud enough for me to hear. That's rude...

" Say that you are a devil." Shiki said.

" I am a devil." I said.

" No. Say it and you know what I mean when I tell you to say it." he demanded. For the first time, I saw a glimmer in his eyes. It was different. I couldn't explain it.

" Yes, I am a devil." I said looking straight into his eyes but this time, it... it really hit me. I was in denial. I am a devil. I hate the thought so much. So damn much but it's truth.

" Good, now let's go find Ritsuka." Shiki grinned as his wings soon disappeared.

" Wait, now?!" I said completely stunned.

" Awe so cute. Yes, now." He chuckled. 

" Let's go." Shiki said.


Hey Guys. 

Sorry for the short chapter today. If I continued to write, it would be a 4000 word chapter and I would have no idea what to write for the next one lololol. 

You finally accepted that you're a devil though it had been a long struggle to. 

Thanks for reading! I'll try to get the next chapter out in the next two days! 


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