0.4 | Mysterious

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Your Pov.

I couldn't just stand there waiting for my death.

My life isn't great, no one really cares about me but the thought of dying now? I can't, not when I can do something about it.

"(Y/n)..! (Y/n)...! (Y/n)...." I was too surprised to cry. Sounds stupid, I know. The only thing I could do though was run away.

Run away from her pleading and shouting.

Run away from his scowls and glares.

"She's dangerous. I felt it." Why would he say something like that!? Replaying that phrase over and over again in my head, I slowed down. I couldn't hear Ritsuka's voice anymore and my legs were weak. I was panting trying to catch my breath every chance I had.

"Agh!" A pain surged up my body from leg. Ugh, I completely forgot I had this ugly gash. I took a seat against a wall and took a couple of deep breaths but like that would do anything to calm my heartbeat.

With no light, I couldn't really see the cut well...So I ended up touching the red, oozing liquid I hoped that wasn't there. I winced. Shit, it must've been really bad. "Okay, okay. Just...cover it up (Y/n)." Taking my own advice, I cupped my hands over the gash that was longer than expected.

"Haah...." I sighed out but gasped at what came out of my mouth. The crystallized specks emerging from my lips were so pretty. I wasn't scared and I really wished I was so I knew I was normal... Mesmerized, my hands slide off the wound...

"Ergh!" I grunted at the weird, cold pressure on my wound. Even though it hurt like hell, my mind drifted. There was just something about the cold tonight though. For some reason, I knew it was with me tonight not against me.

I felt the cold pressure fade and the pain of my leg ease...almost too much. I touched my leg ready to feel my blood but-




It was gone. The cut was completely gone.

"Miss Tachibana."

"Who's there?" I scowled scaring the absolute crap out of me. I wanted to say I was surprised to see Rem but honestly, I wasn't at all.

"It's late. What are you doing out here?" He blatantly ignored my question. Rude.

"It's none of your business." I said. He always seemed so sketchy and it's just weird he keeps popping up in the weirdest places.

"Well, if the blood on your hands is someone else's-"

"I'm sorry?" Confused but then I remembered I was trying to cover my wound... "Oh, you got it wrong. I cut myself so I was trying to stop the bleeding." Wait, what? Why do I have to explain myself to him? Rem looked down on me looking unconvinced with my explanation.

"I don't see any 'wound' on you..." Rem said scanning my body. "I...cleaned it up already." I bit my lip.

"And you couldn't bother to clean your hands?" My eyes widened at the little sass in his tone. Damn. I was left speechless... "You should get home." Rem continued.

"I will." Heh, lies.

"I don't like liars." Shit.

"I'm not lying." I said but his expression didn't change at all. He's not like a walking lie detector so how does he know?

"Then can I take you home?" I internally groaned glancing over at his car. Why won't he give up already? He probably just wanted to see Ritsuka anyways...

"W-why?" I mumbled wanting to confirm my previous thought. "It's not safe." He said with lack of concern.

A large yawn escaped my lips. I was too tired to think properly anymore. At this point, I would just accept the horrid fact that I have to go back the place I used to call home.

"Fine." I said before letting out another big yawn.

Third Person Pov.

Like he would actually take her home. Rem let her into his car as he stepped in after you. He doesn't think you've realized that your hair was still glossy white, but you were already half-asleep in your seat.

Rem looked anywhere but at you not wanting to seem interested.

Minutes later, your light wisping snores signaled you were asleep so he took the chance to examine you.

You're back was slouched against the seat but not in a way a slob would. You actually looked...elegant. Your hair was slowly fading itself back to black. You're eyelashes fluttered from time to time and your mouth was slightly part open.

He stared at you for a good five minutes before the car jolted breaking Rem's gaze. You weren't fazed.

Rem saw everything though. From the table flipping cutting your leg to the fight breaking out between the three of you.

He knew Lindo was an exceptional exorcist. Ritsuka knew of something that didn't want to be shared. But you?

You're a mystery.

Blocking such a powerful spell bind from a powerful exorcist... Truth is, you're already supposed to be dead like Rem and Lindo thought.

We all know that's not the case though.

Rem found himself thinking once again about you, trying to figure your mystery, what made you so special.

He would just assume that you're a devil, resisting holy water the way you did but you pull out your white hair and odd healing abilities and he doesn't know what to think anymore.

The car suddenly stopped. The chauffeur opened the door to Rem's large home but you didn't move. He had the urge to roll his eyes. Oh I did mention he was never taking you home in the first place, right? Now he had to think of an excuse when you ask why in the morning.

What a pain... Rem thought but he reminded himself of something important. He called for your name a few times but you stayed sound asleep. Such a deep sleeper.

Hesitating, he bent over your body unclapsing your seatbelt. In a small moment, he caught your scent and he found himself taking another one.

It was certainly unique. He couldn't tell if it was good or bad but it drew him in, that's for sure. How weird.

He was about to pick you up from your seat but his hand bounced off of some sort of invisible barrier. Rem's eyes widened suddenly breathing through his nose. It was like another layer of skin.

Something that kept Rem from getting any closer to you. Interesting. Rem thought. Ultimately tired, he teleported both of you through the puff of black smoke surrounding him.

You were now in one of the many unused guest bedrooms of his home. You shifted in the bed trying to get comfortable. Rem just stood by the bed left with one simple thought.

Another piece in our chase for the grimoire.

Hold up there, Rem.

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