1.4 / Protection

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Your Pov.

" Can you please leave me alone Okita?" For the fifth time today I had asked him that same question. Since I found out he was an exorcist and apparently I was "the one," he has been on my tail all day... and on his tail were a group of girls.

" No, (y/n). I meant what I said." Okita looked at me with such serious eyes, I was shook.

" So, you'll be seeing a lot more of me. Think of me... as a brother." he patted my head. That was the last thing I wanted to think of him as but not in that way. My mind flashed to a memory with Lindo. The first memory I had ever felt feelings for him. I was fourteen...

All three of us were on the beach. It was quiet, bueatiful. The sun was setting. I remember my feet pounding on the wet sand. How radiant our smiles were. Ritsuka had gone to the bathroom supervized by mum. It was just Lindo and I then.

We were so happy. So innocent. No crazy shit going on that time. I ran so freely on that beach... with no care.

Almost a little too freely I think. I tripped on a rock in the water hdden under the waves. Before I knew it, I had a bloody knee. Lindo had just rushed over to me with a worried frown. I rememeber exactly how it went.

" (y/n)! Oh my god, are you okay?!" His red hair gently brushed against his face. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes for the first time. I nodded unknowingly.

" Damn, it's bleeding so much. Here, let me help you." Lindo obviously frazzled tried picking me up but I struggled to get into his hold.

" Come on, (y/n). You have to work with me. You know I would never let you go." Lindo gave me that dazzling smile. For the first time, my heart beated faster for a person. I felt so safe with him. He was always so kind to everyone. He would go out of his way for others. I realized that he would protect me.

But that was a lie.

He let me go.

He went to the extent of hurting me for another girl.

He wouldn't protect me.

I was so stupid. Stupid to fall for someone in just one moment because they said they cared for me when it seemed like just an everyday to him. I hate myself right now.

I felt the silver threads of tears climb down my cheek slowly, just one by one.

" (y/n)? Hey, what's wrong?" Okita said to me. What's worst is that he sort of reminds me of Lindo when he said he'll be a brotherly figure. No, I won't let him do that to me. I shook my head vigorously.

God, I hate crying.

I'm so weak.

Why have I been crying way more now? Was I letting too many people into my life. Before I had just...them.

" (y/n)... Plea-"

" Okita? It is you! You said we could hang out today!" One of the girls attending our school had cut Okita off from whatever he was going to say. She walked over to him and attached like glue.

" Uh, who are you?" Okita asked nonchalantly.

" Aria." She pouted.

" Oh yeah.... Sorry, i'm busy today." Okita tried brushing her off. The girl, Aria seemed confused at first then she looked at me with an.... unpleasant look.

" Busy with her?" Aria asked as innocently as possible but I saw her hiss through her crooked teeth. Is she serious?

" So?" I heard Okita's voice getting defensive.

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