1.9 / Death of An Exorcist

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Quick Note: This is not the New Year's chapter. I will publish the New Year's chapter later today or tomorrow morning. :) Thanks.


Your Pov.

I walked out of the room I was kept in to see the big ruckus outside and not to my surprise, Urie and Mage were standing on one side while Okita stood on the other. Everyone else seemed to evacuate to the soon-to-be fight scene, even Dr. Chung who had sneaked out of the room.

" Please don't fight here out of all places." I begged them quietly which made them hesitant but from the corner of my eye, I could see Okita raising his crucifix.

I'm so tired of everything.

" (y/n), we need to talk with you alone." Urie emphasized. I could think of a million ideas of why I shouldn't but I couldn't bring myself to open my mouth.

When did I ever get so weak?

Heh, well I guess I was always this way.

" She won't be going anywhere with you two." Okita barked as his hair wavered in front of his face.

" I'm getting really sick of you, you know?" Mage grinded his teeth. You could see the sparks flying between them.

" What is it?" I mumbled. Urie sighed quietly seeing that I wouldn't move from where I was standing. I guess he took the hint.

" We need your help to lure Ritsuka towards us. Some of us are getting further ahead into obtaining the grimoire." Urie growled slightly at the last part and I had an idea of who.

" But she won't come close to me, let alone talk to me." I said. The last thing I wanted was more trouble. I got enough on my plate and through all of this, I still don't know what role I play. Urie's smirk made me doubt his intentions.

What could possibly be going through that twisted mind of his?

" As part of our little deal, you have two options. Either befriend Ritsuka again and convince her we mean no harm or distract Rem." Urie said as I cringed a little at his name. Just something about sounded off.

Besides, I haven't talked to Rem at all actually. It's not like that's a bad thing though...

" W-wait. Slow down. What deal?" I asked. I made one deal, and that was with Shiki.

" Must I have to explain everything butterfly?" Urie exhaled before I finally realized what he was talking about. My mouth formed a small 'o-shape'

" How am I supposed to distract Rem?" I asked Urie who obviously seemed annoyed by my questions. Sorry, I need to know what I am getting myself into...again.

" I don't know. You're a woman and though he is a devil, he's still a guy. Use your feminine tricks on him." Urie bluntly said making me slightly heat up.

Feminine tricks? Is he actually serious right now?

First of all, Rem is like a rock with brick walls surrounding him. Second of all, what the hell are the tricks?

" What the hell? She won't be doing that you stupid devil." Okita shouted through the empty hallway but Urie brushed him off like that. Mind you, we're still a damn hospital.

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