Chapter 56: The Reason Why

Start from the beginning

A feeling of anxiousness settles onto my chest, what now? Amar told us to bust our friends out and he would figure the rest out, well I've covered my entire area and haven't found one of our friends and am stuck waiting.

The ground shakes.

The rumbling fills my ears.

My heart pounds.

I recognize those sounds.

I didn't think they would come.

I didn't think he would call them.

But they're here.

They've come.

Amar, George, and Owen. Ex navy seals. They know a few people. They've saved a few people. Those few people may owe them a few favors. Those people may also run half the military, and I think half the military is here.

I feel the pounding of my feet before my mind realizes it's moving my body. I don't think about where I go, my instincts kick in as I head for the closest exit and what I see makes my jaw go agape as I stare at what seems to be a tank, navy green covers my vision as helicopters fill the sky, men wearing black, resembling SWAT come pointing their guns at anyone who may seem to be the slightest threat.

Relief floods my body as I shove open the school doors and stumble outside into the daylight. The bright sun burns down on me and I think I shout because soon men are coming my way with their guns pointed at the ground instead of at me. One of them grabs my arm and pulls me away from the school, I ignore the pain he causes in my arm as I know it's his job to get me out, and he's here to help me, not to kill me unlike half the people in that building.

Soon I'm thrown back into the crowd and realize the fatal mistake I just made, I left them behind. I left them all behind in the building for the others to find, soon it will be open fire in there.


The name echoes in my head and I find myself screaming his name. They're going to kill him, they're going to shoot him just like they shot all the others. I push and I shove with everything in me against the crowd but they only push back, my screaming is drowned out by their cheering, my crying by their laughing, my fear for their hope.

"PLEASE YOU HAVE TO LET ME THROUGH!" soon heads start to turn to my tear stained face and people recognize who I am, a small pathway is formed just enough for me to squeeze back into the school. This time no one from the crowd tries to get in, they know if they go in they may be mistaken for a Factionless and killed, but I don't care I need to find Edward.

I'm the one who sent him to Amar, if he gets killed his blood is on my hands.

The school halls are now covered in crimson liquid that resembles the blood of people from ages 15-40. This couldn't be blood, they couldn't of killed this many people. I don't believe it until I see the bodies. Their bodies. Young and old, they must've been ordered to kill on sight.

Sprinting down the halls and through a forest of bodies I throw myself onto the nearest garbage can and empty everything that was bottled up inside of me along with everything in my stomach. Wiping my mouth I stand up straight and remember that my friend's life is on the line.

Standing to my full height I take in a deep breathe, feeling the cool air fill my lungs and slowly exhale it all. I need to find Edward. I feel my legs travel, my lungs burn, eyes blur, hands clench, the more I run the more my head spins.

That is until I hear heavy footsteps fall in sync together and I dart across the hall into an air vent that I became accustomed to hiding in for gunman drills. I watch through the thin lines as the men in black scout around my school, looking for a target, looking for another death.

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