I May or May Not Give Up

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Missingfur: None of my plans are working! I might as well give up.

Velvetpaw: Noooo! Don't give up, we'll get it soon enough.

Missingfur: I'm going to just sit around and eat some pizza and watch TV.

Velvetpaw: Missingfur, *shakes head*

Missingfur: I meant sleep on my moss bed and watch the youngsters play around.

Velvetpaw: I found another plan that might work!

Missingfur: *sleeping in nest*

Velvetpaw: *sighs*

~20 trillion moons later~

Normalstar: Velvetpaw you know reached age 37620174 moons.

Velvetpaw: Actually I'm 37620164 moons, you missed it by 10 moons.

Normalstar: Whoops. My bad, but let's continue. Now you are going to be known as Velvethead and you are not going to be Missingfur's apprentice anymore.


Missingfur: *still sleeping*

~1234567890 moons later~

Missingfur: I feel great being alive, but I ignored all the fun moments. Better use the time machine.

Velvethead: What time machine?

Missingfur: This one. *points to rocket ship*

Velvethead: Oh cool! May I come?

Missingfur: ...why not. Let's go.

~Too lazy to do the math years back~

Missingfur: Back to where we started!

Velvethead: I'm not Velvethead anymore right?

Missingfur: Yeah duh.

Velvetpaw: :(

Missingfur: Now we can make a plan.

Velvetpaw: What plan.

Missingfur: A new years resolution!!!

Velvetpaw: No one does that.

Missingfur: True, don't want to remember that year.

Velvetpaw: *shivers*

I hope you enjoyed this short spoof mad by yours truly, Whisper ;3. Happy New Years btw.

I May or May Not Have an Evil PlanWhere stories live. Discover now