Chapter 25: Yes, No, Maybe, .... So?

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I stared at him with totally and utter disbelief.

"But you two aren't even dating yet," I stated still shocked at his words.

"Yeah, I understand that, but I'm willing to take my chances and ask her, I love her Sara, I really do," Justin answered.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Alright, she's in my room, go ahead and get her," I chuckled moving out of the way so he could get in.


Justin's POV

I walked in my hands sweating and shaking violently. I looked back at Sara who was pretending to shoo my up the stairs. I walked slowly up the stairs and stood at the door. I knew I didn't need to knock so I walked in and Jess was sitting on Sara's bed writing answers down.

"Hey," I said gulping hard.

She looked up a little surprised I was here. The she smiled.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Ummm, Jess is it true that you, ummm, like me?" I questioned making sure Sara wasnt lying.

"Yes, it's true, but.... is it true you love me?" She asked back.

"Actually, that's what I'm here about," I answered.

I saw dissapointment wash over her face and I smiled knowing she loved me too. Maybe it was a crazy idea, but in a month we would graduate and then we could get married later.

"Jessica Emily Heartington," I started getting out the ring and getting on one knee, "Will you marry me?"


Jess's POV

I stood there in total shock. We weren't even dating again. I really did love him it was completely true. But I'm only 18, I know it would be a crazy thing to say yes, but I just can't decide right now.

He stayed still, still waiting for a answer. He knew I was thinking hard about this

"Justin, I would love to say yes, but I just can't decide it's so sudden. Let's make a deal, by the end of the day I will have your answer," I finally replied sighing.

"At least it's not a no," He answered smiling a little. 


Sara's POV

I wanted impatiently for someone to come down stairs. It was Justin with a slight frown on his face.

"What did she say?!" I asked anxiously.

"She said, that she'll think about it," He replied leaving.

I ran up the stairs and into my room. Jess was sitting on the bed writing away on her homework.

"Well?" I questioned giving her a chance to tell me what went on.

"Sara," She replied, "Justin just asked m to marry him, what should I do?!"

I closed the window and curtains then locked my door and sat next to her on the bed. My friends always said I gave such good advice. Here goes.

"Jess, it's not up to me to decide for you. It what you want to do, say yes if you love him, or say no if you truely don't. Whatever answer you'll give him, he won't regret asking you. He'll know that if you say yes he was right to ask you, and if you say no that at least he tried. It's up to you, not anyone else, and don't let what they say get in the way of your true feeling for Justin," I answered.

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