Chapter 2: The Bad Boys Confession

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Now me and Justin were at the bleachers. I stood there staring at him wondering why I had to be here. Why couldn't he just tell Jess? My head was pounding from all of the thoughts in my head until they were interrupted by Justin telling me something.

"What?" I said with my eyes as wide as golf balls.

"I don't like Jess." He repeted. "I like you."

This was not happening to me. The bad boy liked me? Why me? Why? Why not someone who wasn't his girl friends best friend.

"Then... why... did you start dating Jess? I asked slowly. 

"Because I knew you wouldn't even talk to me unless I knew someone that you did." He told me. 

It's true I wouldn't of even looked at him if he didn't.

"You have to tell Jess, i'm not getting in the middle of this shes my best friend." I insisted. 

"No!" He screamed. "You can't tell anyone!" 

"But shes-" 

"Hey guys were ready to go home." Jess said smiling. 

"Hey Jess I- "

"Hey Jess lets go." Justin interrupted.

"Ok, c'mon." She said smiling.

"Ok, hold on i'll be right there." He said smiling back. 

He then turned to me and begged, "Sara I beg you don't tell her please!" 

"Ok, ok, I won't but not for you. for her I don't want her getting hurt more than she has to." I said walking to the car to drive home.

"Hey guys we should go to my place." Melissa said.

"Ok." I said driving the direction of her house.

Once, Me, Melissa, Erik, Jess, and Justin were there we went straight too her living room. 

"Hey guys lets watch a movie." I suggested while Melissa went to make popcorn.

"Ok, but i'm picking it this time." Erik said. 

I sat on the couch next to Jess while Justin was on the other side of her. I started to stare at him unwillingly. Once he looked back at me and winked I looked away and almost threw up at the thought of it. I still couldn't believe he liked me? I mean Jess is so much better than me. At least that's what everyone says. Apparently not Justin I thought. I starting banging my head with my palm. That's when everyone looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"Hahaha... I was just umm.. you know playing a game. haha." I said.

'Wow waita go Sara playing a game.'

'Oh great your back. Can't you just shut up for once.'

Everyone looked at me at that response, until Justin starting doing it to. 

"Hey this is kinda fun guys." He said laughing.

After that they all started doing that. Melissa walked back into the room and just started laughing at all of us. 

"Ok then, lets just put the movie in." she said still laughing. 

The movie Erik picked was Up. Ugh how much I hate that movie. I looked at my watch and noticed the time. 

"Ugh.. guys I gotta get home. Melissa you car pool tomorrow?"

"Yup. I'll take everyone home after the movie too." She replied. 

I got into my car and drove home. My sister was waiting for me.

"Where have you been?!" Megen yelled. "Mom and Dad are gonna be home any minute get into your Pj's. 

I gladly got into my Pj's and shut off my bedroom light. Tucked myself into bed and fell right asleep.


-Let's make the most of the night like were gonna die young

Were gonna die young

Were gonna die young.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. It's always a way to wake up to a song that you like it puts you in a good mood. I got dressed for another day of school than ran down the stairs to get breakfast. There was a note on the fridge that said -Sara Megen is in charge we're going to be gone until next Monday.- Monday? Its Tuesday that's like a whole week with Megen in charge. I moaned. This day couldn't get any worse.

-Beep Beep-

Oh Melissa's here early. I grabbed my backpack and ran out of the door. 

"Hey Melissa."  I said while I jumped into the front as Melissa drove away to go get everyone else. 

Once we picked everyone else up we drovee off to school. 

"Oh guys, I might not beable to make the party this weekend. My sisters in charge." I explained. 

"Awww... C'mon just tell her ahead of time and then she can't stop you if she says yes." Erik said. 

The school week went pretty fast and by the time I knew it I was home on a Friday afternoon. I eventually got Megen to say yes and tomorrow I was going to the party. 

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