Chapter 8: Crystal's Little Secret

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When the teacher walked in I was relieved to start class. It wasn't the usually teenager way to act, but since everything that was happened I was fine with me. I couldn't exactly get away from everything since Justin was in everyone of my classes. 

"Sara." Justin whispered behind me.

I tried to ignore him, but  he was persistent. 

"Sara." He whispered again.

"What?" I whispered back.

"I need to talk to you." He replied.

Oh great not again. The last time he needed to talk to me was when he told me that he had liked me. I wonder if it is gonna be even more awkwarder then that.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, I do." He replied when a stubborn look on his face.

"Fine, after class." I said hoping that class would never end.

Before I knew it the bell rang and Justin was pulling me by the arm away from the classroom.

"You have to help me." He said.

"With what?" I asked.

"Emily has been following me around all day and school just started." He replied.

"Maybe she likes you." I said smirking.

"...." He just looked back at me with a duh look on his face. 

'Fine, fine, i'll help just stop that face is so weird." I said bursting out laughing. 

"Oh, shut up." He replied laughing. 

"Meet me at the library after second." He said running off.

Oh great what had I got myself into. When the bell rang I started to head to the library when Crystal came up to me. 

"Oh, hey Crystal." I said. 

"Hey, do you mind getting the homework from the classes and bringing to to my house?" She asked nervously.

"Of course. I just need you address." I said.

"Oh right here it is." She said handing me a paper. "Thanks see you later." 

I watched as she left then ran to the library. 

"What took so long?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing." I said. "So why exactly am I here?"

"I need you to go talk to Emily and ask her why shes following me." He replied pushing me to her. 

"Fine." I groaned.

"Hey, Emily. Justin wants to know why you're following him." I said with a bored look on my face.

"I'm not following him." She said confused. 

"He thinks you are." I said.

"Oh, great, he knows. Yes, yes I am following him, but it's only because him and Jess broke up and Jess told me to go see what hes doing. So I just said ok, and i've been following him only for her." She replied.

"Ok, well, it's kinda creepy so stop." I said walking away.

"There." I said. 

"Is she gone." Justin asked.

"Yeah, bye." I said walking off to second period. 

I was surprised that it dodn't start yet. When I walked in I noticed taht no one was there. I went into the office. No one was there either. I stood there and though for a moment. "

Oh! Right the Assembly!" I screamed to myself.

I ran down the hall to the Assembly hall. I saw that everyone was there including Justin and Emily. I walked in and sat next to Melissa.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"I lost track of time." I lied.

Once the Assembly was over I groaned at how long it took. I then walked in the lunch room for sixth period. Yes, that's how long it took. I was hungry after doing nothing for four periods. I got a piece of pizza and then walked into all other classes and asked for Crystal's homework. I got into my car with my backpack since school was six periods anyway.

I looked for sugarcane road and drove down it until I saw the number six on a mailbox. I parked in the driveway and walked to the door. 

-Ding Dong.-

Crystal opened the door and invited me inside.

When I got in I saw a little girl sitting watching t.v. 

"This is Amber." Crystal explained. "Shes three."

"Oh, who's her dad?" I asked.

"You know Kevin?" She asked.

"Yes, why?" I replied.

"Because he is." She explained. "But he doesn't even know that shes alive. I tried to tell him but he rejected me."

"Oh, ok." I said.

I stood there in shock, but I wasn't surprised that she had a kid. Before she left she had gotten a little chunky. Then the next day she was gone. 

Just then the door bell rang again and Kevin was standing there. I had opened the door because Crystal went to go get a toy for Amber.

"What are you doing here?" Kevin asked.

"Just dropping off some homework." I said. "Oh and can you tell Crystal I had to go."

I walked our of the door and went home. 

'So that's why she left.' I thought to myself.

 When I got home Megen was waiting for me. 

"Mom and Dad or home. Where were you?" She asked.

"I was giving homework to a friend she was uhhh... sick." I lied.

"Ok, mom and dad want to talk to you. It's something about the neighbors. I don't know." She explained to me. 

"Ok, where are they?" I asked.

"Upstairs." She replied.



Sorry I ended it with that, but the next chapter will make sense. 

I don't usually write authors notes so you should read them when I have them. There not long. 

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