Chapter 13: Say What?

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These wings were made to flyyyyyy


Wings by Little Mix, best alarm clock song ever! I shut off my alarm clock after I finished singing with it. I admit i'm not the best singer in the world. 

I looked over at my door. It was open. I looked behind me. There was Justin. Why was Justin here?

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"You can't tell anyone this." Justin said ignoring me completely even though he was standing right in the middle of my room.

"Ok, I won't." I replied obviously not knowing what he was about to tell me.

"It's about Melissa." He replied.

"Okay." I said brushing my hair.

"She kinda.... sorta..." He started.

Oh that never turns out well when you start a sentence like that.

"Well? Spit it out!"I said a little irrated.

"Kissed me!" He replied covering his mouth.

I dropped my brush and nearly choked on nothing. I stood there for a moment trying to process what he just said to me.

"Melissa?" I asked surprised. "But she has a boyfriend, Erik. Are you sure?"

He looked at me. Of course he was sure. I mean it did happen to him. But why would he have to tell me? Why not. Oh I don't know, Erik!

"Yes, i'm sure." He said.

"Why didn't you tell Erik?" I asked.

"You ask a lot of questions." He stated.

"You have all the answers." I answer back.

"To-shay" He replied.

"So why did she kiss you anyways. I mean who would want to?" I mocked.

"I don't know. Oh and you." He said smirking.

"To-shay." I said walking away into my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, took and shower, and got dressed quick enough so that I wouldn't miss the car pool. Him being ther ehad set me back. I didn't even get to eat the breakfast I made. I hope Megen enjoyed it.

Melissa was quiet the car ride. Wonder why. Oh maybe it's because she's a lieing cheater! Wait?! Why am I taking this to so much offense? Did I act like this when I knew Jess did it? Oh, great. Just great I fell for a bad boy, but has Melissa fell for him too?

"So," I said breaking the silence, "What did you guys do last night?" 

"Why do you ask?" Melissa said quickly.

"Just wondering." I replied smirking.

Justin nudged me on the shoulder and gave me a disaproving look. Like I could care? She's trying to steal my man. Wait! No! Did I just? Ugh, I did. I faceplamed myself and everyone just stared at me weridly. 

After what seemed like five hours of driving after about ten minutes we were at the school. I ran out of the car and into the school. Stupid no running signs. Looks like i'm busy Saturday. 

Melissa looked kind of fatter than usual when she passed by me. 

"Melissa." I said stopping her from walking. 

"What?" She said turning around.

"Have you put on a little weight since I saw you about two days ago?" I asked trying to sound like I wasn't trying to offened her.

"Ummm, I dont know, i'll see you in P.E." Melissa answered running off slower than usual.

"Strange." I said to myself while turning around.

I bumped into Erik.

"Sara, has Melissa been acting a little strange to you?" Erik asked looking at where Melissa used to be trying to run.

"A little." I answered.

I looked at him and his face turned white as a ghost. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"I think you'll find out in nine months." He replied still face white.

I looked at him and backed away. That's just nasty. 

"Well see you in class." I awkwardly said while backing away..


Melissa's POV

Why? I knew I shouldn't have. I knew better. I mean Jess had tryed a billion times to give me "the talk" I never listened of course. I mean who would? 

I looked down. I was getting fat. But, not because I had been eating too much. Because I did something that I regret. I regret it. I'm only 17 and by 18 i'll be a mother? Crystal was younger. At least, I won't be the only one. 

"Melissa," The teacher called. "What on earth are you doing?" She asked.

I looked at myself for a second. I wasn't doing anything.

"Huh?" I replied.

"Everyone else has there text book out and your just siting there. You know class one day you will apperate us teachers were like mothers and fathers and you, your the babies." She said.

Why did she have to use those words. I mean out of all of the words she could of used like. Detention or shape up.  

This was going to be the longest months of my life.


Sara's POV

"Melissa, what do you mean you don't care. It was your carelessness that got you into this big mess. And your the only one that can really do anything about it. You can't ignore it." I said.

"Oh, and this comes form someone who doesn't know a thing about what i'm going through!" Melissa snapped.

She's right I didn't and at her age I hope I never would have had to go through that. 

"Why don't you talk to Crystal then?" I replied looking at her.

"Oh, great advise after what you said today. Did you put on a little weight? Like I was planning on it! Melissa screamed as she stormed out of my house and into her brand new car her parents had bought her because she was responsible.

That was so responsible of her to get herself pregnant. 

Now I highly doubted that she ever kissed Justin. Maybe it was a way she could get back at Erik. The father to be. 

I stared at the clock and thought. Why, why even get yourself into this mess and drag me into it. No, I dragged myself into it. I should of kept my mouth shut. Maybe that would have pleased her. Myabe it wouldn't be so much harder if I acted like I didn't know anything. Eventally we would have known. Obviously. Or maybe she would have told us before it happened. 

I stared out my window and noticed a strange figure staring into my room. Right at me. I stood up to see who it was and close the shades, but as I looked down. I noticed who it was. 

"No, no, no!" I nearly screamed while closeing the curtains, locking the window, locking the front door, and runing back to my room to lock that door.

It couldn't be. It is. He's back! No!

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