Chapter 17: Love At Last

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I look over to the side of my room and saw Justin and Matt standing there just smirking at me. I then looked at my clock and noticed the time. Oh, great, i'm gonna be late for school. I admititly jumped up from bed and went to the bathroom to get changed. Once I was finished I went down staris and saw Matt and Justin sitting on the couch watching t.v. I ignored them until it was time to go. We were already late so I took my time to eat breakfast. 

"You didn't have to wait for me, I could of drove myself." I said as I got in the car.

Today I sat in the back, instead of front where I usually sit. Matt didn't sit there though either. Everyne was so used to sitting in the back, even Matt, he never really drove with us, but he's heard that i sit in the front half the time, unless Erik or Louis is driving then Melissa, or Jess can.

"It okay." Justin said polity. 

It's then that I remebered what happened yesterday. I didn't really care much but I would still ask him. Even if Matt was there today.

"So, about yesterday." I started.

"Sara, i've been meaning to talk to you about that." Justin interrupted.

I was a little bit shocked at that point. Was he really just gonna tell me what I wanted to know, or lie to me?

"Okay, go on." I replied trying to hide my satisfaction. 

"Not now though, i'll talk to you about it later." He said.

"Alright," I answered.

Matt was quiet during the whole thing. I was a little shocked at that too, but I guess since he said he would tell me later, there was no use in trying to hide it anymore.


Matt's POV

I was a little annoyed at Justin, he made me stay a hole night at his house, when I plans to sdo something else, and then he just decides to go ahead and tell her. And I guess I was a little jealous too that it was so obvious that they liked each other. They just never got around to telling each other it yet. I know soo that they would be dating and I would be totally out of the picture. But then again they might not ever get around to confessing that they like one another and I might have an opening. Not now though, i still don't know if he's going to tell her he likes her. Or if she'll tell him first.

As we drove up to the school I had finally built up the courage to say something.

"So, I have a question for you two." I said.

I didn't exatly want to know the answer, but either way they would have found out.

"Okay, what is it?" Justin said for both of them.

"Do you two like each other?" I asked.


Sara's POV

My heart was pounding as i thought of the answer. It was a really good question that I hadn't thought about. Only last night had I started thinking about it. 

"I..... don't know." Justin shuttered  awkwardly.

I still didn't answer the question and we sat in the parking lott for also five minutes waiting for my answer. I didn't know exactly how to answer the question. I needed time to think about everything. Was I really falling for the old bad boy?

"Uhhh, I dunno, I gotta get to class." I said awkwardly as I ran out of the car.


Justin's POV

I knew that Sara needed time too think. I needed time too. I already knew the exact answer, but i'd wait a little while till confessing weather or not I really did. 

"Alright, then, see yeah later Matt." I said.

"Okay, bye." H said getting out of the car.

I still didn't leave the car. I had to sit there and really think how I would tell her things. Or if she would be willing to tell me what she really feels. I know she knew I liked her once, but I think she's forgotten about that. I know I haven't though. I finally got out of the car after lunch had just started. I was getting a little hungry and I finally figured out how to tell Sara.


Sara's POV

I sat in the lunch room with Melissa, Jess, Crystal, Louis, Erik, and Matt. I hadn't seen Justin all day since Matt had asked us that question. Matt would always look over at me as if he wanted to know the answer. I had it, but I didn't want to tell him. Not until I knew Justin's at least. Then if we either started dating or not, he would know our answer. 

 I then saw Justin walk into the cafetria and get his lunch. He then walked over to out table and sat next to me. That's were he would usually sit either way so, he didn't have any other choice or everyone else would know oething was going on.

"Sara, "He whispered, "Met me in the library after you finish eating."

I then nodded okay without anyone else noticing that we were talking. He finished his lunch and left. When I had finally finished eating, I got up and told everyone I was going to get my stuff for next class. I then walked to the library and looked around to see if I saw Justin anywhere. I didn't until I felt a hand go around my mouth and Justin say shhh.

"Why am I here?" I asked when he had taken his hand off my mouth.

"We need to talk about yesterday, and today." He answered.

I nodded in agreement.

"Yesterday, I told Matt that you liked me because he was always teasing me about not having a girl friend, and always telling fake stories about him having one. I wanted to get him off my back so I said that you liked me." He started.

"But, why'd you pick me?" I asked,

"That's where today comes in." He said. "Remember Matt's question?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"Well I have an answer to it." He replied.

"What is it?" I asked trying to stay as calm as possible.

"It's....." He started. "Yes."

"Yes, what?" I asked, "That you do like me or-?"

"No," He said cutting me off, "it's yes that I do like you."

He admittedly knew my answer once I kissed him. 

"So, does this mean that were dating now?" I asked looking at him.

"I don't know does it?" He questioned.

"I guess so." I answered happily.

I was happy that I started dating Justin, it had been a interesting ways until we had. We had a great run up until now. I wonder how our dating time will be.



Now Sara and Justin are finally dating, but don't worry this isn't the last chapter. But, the last chapter might be coming soon, I'm not sure if I want to end this book yet.

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