Chapter 16: Life's Already Hard Enough

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I  woke up only to see Justin standing over me. 

"Time to wake up!" He yelled as I looked at the clock.

"It's too early!" I yelled back.

"Shhh! My parents are sleeping." He chuckled.

I grumbled as I made my way to the bathroom and changed into my clothes.

"Hurry up." Justin said while banging at the door, "Were gonna be late!" 

I glared evily at him as I made my way out of the bathroom to get my bag. 

"Are we car pooling today?" I asked feeling a little less grumpy.

"No, just you and me, Melissa is carpooling with Erik and Crystal and Jess is carpooling with Louis, Mike, and Josh." He answered.

"Oh," I answered a little curious why Jess was carpooling with half the guys, well at least Louis was there.

As we drove to the school I sat there silent. I couldn't help but think about everything that happened yesterday. It was just so confusing. I hated lieing, there was too many surprises, and my brother only likes me! 

"Hey?! Sara, were here?" Justin said breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh, uhh what, ok." I replied shaking my head and grabbing my things. "Thanks for driving me here."

"Uhh, ok, no problem." He said a little creeped out.

You see i've never really said thank you for anyone driving me to school. We usually have a set up so either way they have to drive. 

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books. As I started walking to class Justin's friend Matt shoved me into an empty room.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked staring at me.

"Huh? Your the one who shoved me in here. By the way, why'd you do that?!" I snapped.

"Because I want to know what you think your doing." He said still staring me straight in the face.

"I don't even know what your talking about." I said confused.

"Man, do I have to explain everything to you." He said rolling his eyes, "How come your dating Justin?" 

"I am?" I questioned.

"What?" He replied even more cinfused at that moment than I was.

"Who said we were dating?" I demanded.

"Uh, gotta go bye." He said running out of the room.

"Well he has so explaining to do." I thought to myself

I walked into my class where I saw Matt talking to Justin and Louis. Maybe he was telling them about what just happened. But who told him that? Maybe it was Jess or Melissa or someone else. But why would they do that? I don't exactly get asked out much so they wouldn't have any competition. 

"Sara!" Jess said running up to me. "I hear you and Justin are dating."

"Oh, who told you?" I asked acting like it was true.

"Melissa did." She said.

"Interesting, I think I need to talk to Melissa." I replied looking across the hall.

After class was over I saw Jess go and join the group of boys talking. They looked over at me, and I think they knew exactly what I was going to do because Matt came up to me and "walked me to class" or so he says. If only he knew Melissa was in my next class. He'll figure it out eventually.

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