Chapter 9: The Secret Behind Kevin

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I ran upstairs to find my parents standing in my room with a picture. I looked closely at it. 

"What's this?" I asked.

"A wanted person." They replied.

I gasped at the sight of someone that looked some what like Kevin. 

"Who's this?" I said staring at the picture.

"He is a very bad person." My dad said ignoring my question. "His names Kevin Mc. Kevin. He is wanted for murder. He goes out with girls and then dumps them when hes done. Recently he has just starting killing them. There has been three or four people found dead already."

"What?!" I nearly screamed.

"Yes, do you know him? He's known to be your age and change his last name." My mom said.

"No." I lied. 

Could this really have been Kevin? If it is Jess is in some really big trouble. 

I called Jess.

-Ring Ring. Ring Ring.- 

"Hello?" Jess answered.

"Jess, turn on the news." I said staring at the t.v.

"Why?" She asked. 

"Just do it." I said. 

Jess's POV

I turned on the t.v. I stared at the t.v looking at the face of the wanted person. 

"Hey, that guy looks like.-" I said to Sara before hearing the name. 

I quickly turned off the t.v as Kevin walked back into the room. I stood there staring at him and then picked up my phone. 

"I gotta go Sara i'm hanging with Kevin." I said hoping she would come over.

"Ok, be there in ten. Don't get in trouble." She said hanging the phone up.

"What were you guys talking about?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, she just called me because she was bored." I replied.

"I heard the t.v go on." He replied staring at me.

"Ok, and?" I said hoping that he didn't hear anything. 

"No reason." He said smiling. 

I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it, but it wasn't who I was expecting. It was Megen. 

"Hey Jess." She said. "Sara couldn't come so she sent me." 

"Why couldn't she come?" I asked going outside and shutting the door.

"She got grounded for going to a party while they were gone. They found out from a facebook picture Erik sent them." Megen explained.

"Stupid Erik." I mumbled. 

I heard a knock on the door from the inside. I forgot about Kevin! 

"I gotta go tell Sara 27 82." I said running back inside.

"Who was that?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, just the pizza guy." I lied staring at my hands. 

Pizza guy really. I don't even have pizza.

"Ummm.... Ok." Kevin said ignoring the fact that I had no pizza.

Sara's POV 

I heard the door open and close then waited for Megen to get up to my bedroom.

"What did she say?!" I asked jumping around on my bed.

"She told me to tell you 27 82. Whatever that means." She said walking away.

"27 82. 27 82. 27 82." I chanted out loud until I finally remembered what it meant.

"27 82! I screamed. 

Just then my mom and dad walked into my room and asked me if I was ok.

I stared at them then smiled and screamed, "27 82!!!"

"Whats that mean." My dad asked.

"Something good." I said running around my room happily. 

My parents looked at me weirdly then said, "Sara your ungrounded go outside and.... do something." 

"Yay!" I screamed hugging them. 

I ran all the way to Jess's house. Bad idea. When I got there they were both sitting outside under a tree kissing. Talk about bad timing.

"Ewww.... really? Out here?" I asked smirking.

Jess looked up at me and ran to hug me. "You got the message?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said hugging her back. 

"I still can't believe how much they look alike." I said.

"Me either." I replied. 

I took one glance at Kevin and saw him smirking evilly at Jess. Maybe hes not a murderer, but he's still hiding something. 

"Hey, Jess can you get me some water." I asked.

"Sure." She replied.

I walked up to Kevin and looked down at him.

"What are you hiding?" I asked staring at him.

"Wha- How- Who-." He replied.

"Just answer it." I said.

"Fine," He said. "My names not Kevin, i'm not 17, i'm Louis, and i'm 20. My brother is Kevin Mc. Kevin and I look a lot like him. People always called me Kevin even though I was the older one. The name stuck and I just used it."

"Wow." I said shocked when I noticed  Jess was standing there.

"Nice to meet you Louis." She said, "I'm Jess."

He sat there shocked for a moment then smiled.

"Nice to meet you too Jess." He said smiling.

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