Chapter 5: Cake and The mall

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Absent mindly staring off into space listening to my family talk about this and that.
All I can think about is how that guy disappeared and where he went. He should be squished under that car either dead or in the hospital.
Were did he get off threatening me over my necklace nonetheless, I can see now why he wants it. It clearly stops time and talks.
I also remember my package I left outside. Shit I should really go get all the mail not just my package.
I put my new stuff in my room and set the amulet on my dresser. On my way out I hear A knock at the door.
Who is that its a little past noon, Tilly isnt due till 2 to pick me up to hang out. Tilly is my bestfriend since 1st grade, shes amazing.
I go to answer the door, and to my surprise its Zarren.

"Hey whats up?" I say while I try to look around his massive frame To see if the others came too.

"Nothing just wanted to see if you were okay. That looked scary."

"Yea im fine it missed, I was able to get out the way before I became a Pancake." I run my hands through my hair the best I can, I laugh nervously.

"I came over, because we all wanted to know if you wanted to hang out later. maybe watch some paperview or something." he speed talks out.

Looks like im not the only nervous one. I decide to be brave and try him out, Ive never been this forward. Im usually more shy around guys, but something about these guys helps me feel comfortable.

"Yeah sure, just me and you." I wink and place my hand on his bicep feeling abit more confident they may all be hot, but they are still human." everyone else included?"

"Only if thats what you want, then ill make it happen." he smirks and grabs my hand calling my bluff. I snatch my hand away and blush. Thank goodness with my skin you can barely tell the red is there. He let his hand drop.
"But if not then Alec and Corin will be joining us." he says still smirking like he won.

"Im going to the mall and movies with my girl Tilly in a couple hours."
"Maybe about 8 ill come by."

"Thats fine ill let the guys know, ill see you then." he leans over and kisses me on the cheek. Before I could react he turns around and hurries across the grass to his house.

I place my hand on my cheek where he kissed me and sigh. Damn he has soft lips. I wonder what it would be like to kiss those lips. I mentally shake myself back to reality and remember im on a mission to get to my mail and package out in the yard.
I run across my yard to the end of our drive way and spot my mail scattered out by the tree line. I go over and start to pick it up and hold it all under my arm and head back to my house.

Inside my room I open all my letters and cards and get my birthday money that ill need to spend at the mall with Tilly. My package is last.

Its a plain big brown envelope. I open it, inside I find a card And letter adressed to me and a book of some kind.

The letter read:

To Lyra,

Happy Birthday baby! I know you dont know me. But ive watched you for years and loved you always. I havent met you and for good reason. We wanted you to have a better life free of stress and responsibility that we faced as a teen growing up. By now im sure you've found the amulet your dad left you to find. It belonged to your great grandmother before she passed. We arent sure what it does, it only worked for her noone else could use it, but there are others who can. Seeing as you have the exact mark on your theigh she had. Im sure it will have some power only you can use . That being said there is a bad man after this power to alter things I cannot freely tell you. You didnt grow up where you were meant to, for that im grateful then again im not But now you will face things unseen or known to you because of us sending you away. You will develop powers of your own. I cant be there to help, but im sure Baylan will send someone to guide you through your time skip. The spell we had placed on you is wearing off now that your eighteen. Your father doesnt know I wrote you or gave you this letter, but in time he will understand you needed this. Just know my darling girl we both wanted you badly, but had to hide you away.

Love always,
Your mom.

I wiped away the tears that on my face. Grabbed my tissues to blow my nose. My real mom wrote this to me. I knew molly and Joseph werent my real parents considering they are both white and im mixed with black and white. But to know they are alive and not dead or something worse makes me kinda sad .
I just wish I knew who they were hiding me from and what they are running from. Could it be that man or whoever he works for. He was willing to kill me over my great-grandmas amulet.
She mentioned a time skip. whats a time skip? More questions and no answers to them.

Around one I get ready for the mall.
I make it to the mall with Tilly.
She is of hispanic decent about 5 ft 2, long straight black hair. Down to her butt with chinese bangs, she is wearing a fitted red polo shirt and tan dickies pants with red converse. We are sitting at the food court eating frozen yogurt.

"Earth to lyric." Tilly is waving her hand infront of my face.

"Oh shit! T im sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked about your new neighbors." she says again.

"They're cool. I fell out of the tree last night. And one of them named Corin carried me back to their house and bandaged me up."

"Oh how sweet of him! She gushes.

"But sucks you fell out the tree. What the fuck were you doing In a tree." she bits out angrily.

"My parents were fighting again. I just wanted to leave for alittle bit. So I tried to climb out. Id done it a bunch of times. No big deal." I shrug my shoulders.

"Clearly not that much you fell."
shes still angry.

"It was nothing I bumped my head and that was it. Ive gotta pee, I'm going to the bathroom." I tell her as I get up.

Im on my way to the bathroom when I hear a lady scream.
"He stole my purse!"
I look up and around and I spot A big guy bareling toward me pushing people out of his way. "Move" hes yelling out to noone in particular just pushing people like a big football player blocks.
"Holy shit!" I yell wishing I was in the bathroom and not about to be run over by a pretend linebacker.

Then I feel a wooshing wind and my gut falls and all of a sudden im sprawled out ontop of one of the toilets in the ladies bathroom with the toilet paper rack all broken, my forearm is bleeding, my hair blown around, and my head feels like ive been sitting in a t-cup ride at a carnival for hours.

I sit there for a bit and collect myself.
What the hell was that. I think to myself. Must be what my bio mom was talking about in her letter. I portaled or teleported or whatever.

I get up and open the stall and check to see if anyone witnessed my fiasco. Thank goodness its empty. I exit the stall and fix my hair in the mirror.
I remember I have to pee and go right back into the stall and do my business. Hey a girls gotta go when a girls gotta go even if its right after she just got some Teleporting power.

I go out and find tilly, I text her.

Lyric: where you at?

Tilly: forever 21.

Lyric: How long till your done? Ima head over to hot topic.

Tilly: 5 minutes at checkout. Ill come to hot topic when im done.

Lyric: cool! See you then.

I got to hottopic and start to look around.
I notice a really cool braclet with a dragon on it with a green stones for eyes and matching earrings I buy it.
I look around for another five minutes. Then go to a bench and wait for Tilly.

Tilly finally emerges out of the crowd. She asks me if im ready to leave. We head to the AMC theater.

A Leap Into The Past- (The Amulet Of Time Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant