Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine

As soon as my feet touched the floor, I fell to me knees not being able to hold my own weight any more. Hanna, Spencer and Emily came running towards me and crowded around me all hugging me as the house finally blew and crumbled to the ground. There was nothing left of the house.

Just then, the fire trucks pulled up and pulled out the hoses with the water that sprayed the rubble for any left over fire. Paramedics came pushing past everyone getting to me and the girls. "You have to help her. She's pregnant. She fell from the ladder." Spencer begged and the two lady paramedics got me onto a stretcher and pushed me towards their car with all the supplies. There was still crowds of people and I wanted to thank the man that saved me. Everyone else was making me feel really uncomfortable.

Spencer followed behind but I heard her tell the other two to try and find out how the fire was started. When I got to the van, they placed the stretcher inside with me laying on my back and eventually, they got the supplies needed to check me over. They checked my baby to make sure, the heart was still beating and it was still alive. Thankfully it was and still strong and healthy. I had a lot of smoke in my lungs and bruises from my fall at the bottom of the ladder but nothing I would need to get checked at the hospital for.

"You're both healthy. I would rest from now on though. You could go into shock which could distress the baby." The nurse told me and I nodded with a smile.

"Thank you." I told her hopping out the van and heading towards the man who helped me. He was with his wife and two kids. I smiled and saw his wife point to me. I waved as he turned to me. He kissed his wife and two children before heading towards me.

"Is everything okay with you and the baby?" He asked me when he met me halfway.

"Yeah every things fine. I just wanted to thank you. For helping me back there. You didn't have to but you did." I told him and he touched my arm.

"It was nothing. I just know that if it was my wife up there and she was pregnant, I would hope someone like me would help her. I was doing what I thought was best. You never have to thank me or anyone who shows you gratitude. You're so young and I remember my wife with her round stomach and it being so tender, the slightest touch and she would squirm or be in pain. I didn't want that for someone like you." He told me and I smiled.

"I know but I didn't deserve your help. Maybe that was just punishment for getting pregnant at sixteen." I told him biting my lip looking at the rubble to my left.

"Don;t say that!" He snapped. I looked at him in shock. "I'm.., I'm sorry... Look, you may only be sixteen but you are still a person, still a scared teenage girl looking for a place in this world for her, her baby and her boyfriend?" He looked at me for confirmation. I nodded. "You are going to be successful and love your baby no matter what your age. Age is just a number. It doesn't matter how old you are as long as you're responsible enough and financially supported enough to take care of this baby. I presume you have people around you who are helping?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I have these girls, they're my family, they're my life. My parents kicked me out before they even found out I was pregnant because of something else. So I don't even see them any more." I told him. Tears threatened to fall but I wouldn't let them. My Parents didn't deserve my tears. They weren't worth it.

"Well, if you ever need anything, advice on being a parent or someone to watch the baby if you have plans. You could always call me and my wife. We'd be happy to." He told me and my eyes flickered up to meet his.

"But I barely know you." I stated and he nodded.

"I know but you can trust me. Why don't you come with me to meet my family. Talk to my wife about pregnancies. Meet my kids, they'd love to feel your stomach, feel the baby." He told me. I would love to meet his family. Especially since I was considering letting him and his family into my life for extra support.

"Sure. Could I just have a few minutes with my friends let them know I've been given the okay from the paramedics?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"Of course. I'll just be over there." He pointed to his family down by the lake while his kids played in the water. "Come over when you're ready." I nodded.

"Thank you." I said and headed towards my three friends who were all talking to a fireman. He was holding something in his hands, he looked pretty serious. I think they had found something that was linked to the fire. "Hey what's going on?" I asked joining them. Spencer wrapped her arms around my waist. Sparia was definitely back. We were getting closer again, back to the way we were before I moved in with Hanna and her Mom.

"They think, this fire wasn't an accident. It was arson." Emily explained and my eyes widened.

"Wait.. So... So you think someone was trying to kill us in our sleep? Burn us alive." I exclaimed and the fireman nodded.

"I'm afraid so. But the weirdest part is that they put an initial on the suspected equipment. The letter A. Does that mean anything to any of you?" I looked at the others who were looking wearily at each other as if looking for permission to tell someone about A.

"Yeah." Spencer said speaking up for all of us. "s there somewhere we could talk about this in private? I don't want anyone to overhear us." She said and the fireman led us off into the back of the fire truck and we all sat there opposite the man who took off his helmet and put it next to him.

"So what does this A mean to you?" He asked. "Do you know who A is?"

"No, we don't know who A is in person, but it's not the first time A has done something like this." Hanna took a breath and looked at the three of us. I looked back at the blonde and spoke up.

"A few days ago, I was rescued from the grasp of this A. I never saw the face, they always wore a mask of some sort but it always changed. I was abducted months prior to that.My pregnancy developed while I was there. I couldn't tell anyone because I was so scared that they would come after me and do some real damage to me and the baby." I explained biting my lip.

"But we've all been receiving these messages blackmailing us to do stuff to each other and our loved ones. If we didn't she would add to the body count. We don;'t even know who it is but they certainly know us." Emily added and the fireman was writing all this down.

"Well, thank you for tell me this. But because you don't live in this area code. We can;t officially do anything about it. You would need to tell your police department. I could pass on the statement you just gave me to them and they could sort it." He offered.

"Would you?" He nodded. "Thank you. We don't know where A is, they usually lurk in the shadows and we don't really want to retell it and be put in more danger." Spencer said.

"Well, I'll call it in now. Could I have your names?" He asked.

"I'm Hanna Marin." Hanna said. "This is Emily Fields, Spencer Hastings and Aria Montgomery." Pointing to each of us and he wrote down our names.

"Thank you." He said and we all hopped out the truck and I turned to the others.

"I need to go speak to the man that helped me." I told them.

"Wait... Weren't you just over there talking to him?" Spencer asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. He wants me to meet his family, talk to his wife about her pregnancies and have someone to get advice from." I told them. "He also said he wants to help out after the pregnancy. He knows about my parents kicking me out and living with Hanna." I explained and they nodded before I headed over to the family down playing in the lake.

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